Chapter : 14 [ Final ]

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Taehyung : I - I'm The Positive and The Negative itself  !!!

Taehyung's eyes widened as well yours. You both were shocked as you heard it.... ' He was the Negative and the Positive ? '  But like how.... Then why it messed up, you both couldn't even find answers for yourself as Ubel speak up towards you making you both shocked.

Ubel : THAT'S IT... That's why Y/n is his mate.....When the end collide with him his Positive Energy wake in him, The power of your love will make his Positiveness awake and the Negativeness only awake when he decides to sacrifice himself and he did it for You now. It was all this.... All this time it was all for the Positive to be awaken...

Taehyung stood still getting shocked by the words. His mind went towards the memories that with you made his Positive Self to be awaken.  The way he saved you, the way he cared for you, the way he couldn't see you crying, the way he stand for you, the way he decided to sacrifice himself... The way you changed him....

Blinking several time you hugged Taehyung tighter hearing all this. You actually couldn't believe everything... You couldn't believe that you were his mate and this everything was now fine with the power of your love.... The love between both of you....

They way the world said love is not everytime getting what it want.... It is also about sacrificing what they have......

Ubel : It's over.... The Negative and The Positive is itself the Prince Taehyung so the world is neutral now, the history that the mate have to the Negative is broken... The new history is getting written... History of  " The End  "  is getting written.  Azovi 's  is getting there forerunner King and Queen rewriting the history...

  Taehyung's eyes wandered around before pulling you up into a tight hug. He could still hear your heartbeats getting higher over the whole things happened around. He caressed your hair as he calmed you up before pulling off the hug. 

Taehyung  : It's over Y/n.... Everything is fine.... Everything.......

[ You cried out as the way he kept the sword against his neck your mind as you suddenly started hitting his shoulders while crying out. ]

Y/n  :  Why did you do that... Why, you  almost killed yourself... WHYYY,  I NEED YOU DON'T YOU KNOW.... I LOVED YOU... AND YOU JUS-

[  Cutting off your words he quickly pressed his lips against yours pulling your neck more into deep the kiss. ]

Your toes curled as the kiss sended chills down you spine making you feel euphoric in the kiss. He pulled you into him as he tilted his head kissing your from bottom lips to upper lips feeling how your both lips  perfectly fitted for eachother. Your hand placed over his shoulder as you both melt in the kiss. 

[ Pulling off the kiss he kissed your eyes before wiping off the tears. ]

Taehyung : Never let those tear up again... I can't stand seeing you in pain....My Queen....

[ He smiled at you as you chuckled while  wiping your tears. Ubel stood there with his warm smile watching everything turning out perfectly fine... ]

Ubel : My King and Queen. Thank you for saving Azov. You both-

Taehyung  : No Ubel.... Without you everything would have been wrong... You are really a Savior... You will be the forever Superior....

[ Ubel's eyes tear up as he smiled while looking both at you. ]

[ You smiled at him but suddenly came into your mind as you panicked. ]

Y/n  : Wait... Taehyung, You Mortality... You have to to immor-
Taehyung  : Dont worry Y/n.... The moment you will become mine as per the wows... We will be immortal...

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