Chapter : 13

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Taehyung :  I Prefer My Death...

Your heart felt like it's stopped for a second. “ No i am hearing wrong right,
It cannot happen... My Ta-Taehyung ”.
You quickly rushed towards Taehyung but he suddenly pulled the sword and pointed at his neck make you stop.

Taehyung : St... Stop Y/n.... One step against me and i will put this sword deep into my skin... I promise... Stop right there

[ His eyes frowned as his tears kept falling down, he couldn't stand the pain of loosing you and his kingdom.  ]

Keeping the sword against his neck he made you helpess. Your both eyes were locked aside eachother seeking the unsaid words to eachother. It was more than hurtfull seeing his tear. The way his eyes looked over your eyes said the pain of seeing you hurted. 

Y/n : Ta-Taehyung please don't do this... 
Please i beg you...Aozvers need you..

Taehyung : Yes... They need me...That's why i am taking this decision... It's getting worse and i should be fast.

The rain got higher and the thunder sounds kept hitting over the Azov making it shake. The end was near and everything gonna be in a mess right now. You couldn't know what you should do to makeeverything okay and to save Taehyung. Rushing towards Ubel you quickly asked him.

Y/n : Ubel... Please do something... Save himm... He is-

Ubel : He can't die Y/n.... HE IS MORTAL...
I don't know what he is doing now.. He can't die. He is the forerunne-

Cutting off Ubel's words Taehyung let out a painfull scoff making you both confused again. Your eyes widened when you remembered  about the incidents back at your first meet, the things which were this all started..

Y/n  :  He... He is n-not immortal...
Ubel : WHAT  !

[ Your body felt numb as all you did was looking over Taehyung in pain about his sacrifice for you... ' How he could he do that ' ]


[ You collapsed over the floor crying your heart out as Taehyung looked over you with his painfull gaze, Ubel couldn't get it as he looked over Taehyung for answers ]

Taehyung : The kiss.....Our first kiss while saving you from drowning... I was giving my mortality to you.....i couldn't stand seeing you like that...

[ He pressed the sword tighter making you look over at him helplessly ]

Ubel : Taehyung  don't do this.... THE KINGDOM AND Y/N LOOK AT HER-

Taehyung : This must happen Ubel.
The Diviners said about The Endless Empire but i am changing the fate that Y/n or Azov has to die.... I AM READY TO SACRIFICE MYSELF. 

Y/n : Taehyung don't do this.... I- I LOVE YOU..... PL-PLEASE......

[ Taehyung eyes widened as he looked over you for a second into your eyes.
It wasn't easy to hold himself not to fall for it... It was digging him to want to live with you.... But.... ]

But this has to be the End, End of Misery and everything. He have to loose his happiness for him to keep the things he care the most as happy. Love is always not only showing care but also about sacrificing too.....To keep his beloveds happy... To keep his happines to be happy...

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