Eddin watched, head cocked as he listened to the murmured voices of the baker and his wife; "She... seems very energetic... considering..."

"Yes," Vania agreed, looking out the window. "No one knows how she manages to be so sprightly, despite carrying twins. And ready to go any moment."


"Yes. They only recently found out. They thought they were only expecting one." Vania straightened as Derry joined them at the table, resting his floured arms on the chipped wooden surface.

The baker gestured to the untouched biscuits, "You both had better eat, or my wife is going to send all of those with you." After each enforcer had selected a warm biscuit, Derry looked from one to the other. "Well. What brings you here this morning?"

"You sent Cianna to retrieve me this morning, Derry," Vania replied, swallowing a mouthful. "Of course we would stop by here."

"Ah, yes. Well, you were closer than the station, and, seeing... uh. Things." Derry stopped. He finished quickly, "We thought it best you handled these incidents. You did go, I assume? To the Thankless Tankard?"

"Yes, we were at the Thankless Tankard; we saw Cavin's body. But no one there wanted us there; no one wanted to talk. Everyone in these parts hates enforcers, as you know. So, when you say 'we thought it best,' who are you talking about?"

"Those of us who are concerned with this string of murders. We know Nanda and her gang won't protect us. We do our best to watch out for each other, but that didn't save Cavin. Or Darit. Or poor little Klava."

"So, you're saying there's more bodies?" Eddin asked as Vania paled.

"Yes. Cavin was the third in two weeks."

"Th-third?" Vania sputtered. "Derry, why wasn't the station informed sooner? As soon as the first one went missing?"

Derry looked at her levelly; "All three went missing from different areas of the slums. All were found after five days, dead and eviscerated." He ticked off the list on his fingers, "All from the slums. All tydring. All Marked." He paused, eyeing both enforcers. "You enforcers have a bit of a reputation concerning us Marked tydring. People here hesitate to even think about you, let alone speak to you. But, three, in just two weeks?" He looked down at his scarred and floured hands. His voice was quiet as he said, "Someone's hunting us."

No wonder the people at the scene mentioned the Red Knives... That gang was known for hunting Marked tydring, as well. But the Knives were all caught and sentenced to death—two hung and the third beheaded. Vania swallowed with difficulty, setting aside her biscuit. "Derry. Besides... the obvious connections, was there anything else linking the three victims? And has anyone else gone missing?"

"No, girl, not yet." Derry shook his head. "But you better believe my wife and kids go nowhere without me knowing. And nowhere without a way to defend themselves."

"You... sent Cianna to me. Alone."

"Did you think that lantern was just for light?"

"Well, it was extremely bright, but... what would she do, whack someone with it?"

Derry laughed; "Only if she wanted to set them on fire! And magical flames, they don't put out so easy..." He sighed. "All mirth aside, she wasn't defenseless. And your place isn't so far—just beyond where the dirt turns to cobbles and much closer than the station. Plus, Nanda's thugs have been watching you for some time—surely you've noticed. Even if they have the worst intentions at times, if someone tried to kill my little girl, they wouldn't've just watched." Derry smiled at her; "Thanks for walking her home this morning. I knew you would keep my girl safe."

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