Chapter 28 ~ Ours

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When Willow stopped calling, I was broken. I didn't want to get out of bed, or eat, I didn't want to do anything but sleep. I went over to her place and slept there on nights I didn't feel good.

I wanted her here with me. It broke me once I found out she was staying for the summer and that was more time than I thought.

I'm not angry with her though. Because if it were me, I would have done the same thing. I don't blame her. Which is why I called her sister and asked her what day and what time Willow was coming back cause I wanted to surprise her.

She gladly gave me that information and I started setting up.

When Willow's book came out, I was the very first person to pre-order it. I followed her author page on Instagram and saw all the updates on there and bought the book faster than I could blink.

I read it in under a day and reread it whenever I missed her. When Mindy told me that Willow would be coming to do autographs, I took the opportunity to see her then.

Now seeing her face, I'm falling in love all over again. She looks more mature, her black hair is longer and her face got more gorgeous. And when she kissed me, it felt like I was on top of the world. Feeling her soft lips against mine again, gave me a chill.

She signed my book with a small note next to it and handed it to me with a kiss. "Did I tell you how much I missed you?" I ask as we both smile against the kiss.

"Yep, over twenty times."

"Well, I'm about to show you how much, I have a surprise." I don't give her a chance to speak, I drag her out of the store and make her take a seat in my car. I drive up to the school ignoring every question that she is asking.

I park in the parking lot of the school, Willow still asking me what the heck is going on. I go to her side of the car and help her out. Kissing her hand, I led her to the back of the school.

Hand in hand, we walked to the place where I first saw her again. The Willow Tree.

"Oh my gosh." She covers her mouth in shock. I had put fairy lights around the tree and set up a picnic in front of it. I smile as I lead her to the tree.

I sit us down and open a bottle of champagne. We kiss, make a toast and eat in each other's presence.

"This is by far the best surprise you could ever give me." She kisses my cheek. We lay down on the blanket under the tree. My arm wrapped around her waist as her head sits on my chest.

I have to soak in this moment because I'm scared it will all disappear. I play with the ring on her finger that has a butterfly on it. I look down to her neck and see a necklace with a M on it.

"That's a pretty necklace." I play with the 'M'.

"I got it in Minnesota."

"Hmm, what does the 'M' stand for?"

"Take a guess." She looked up at me and smiled. "Mayella?" she shakes her head. "Mimi?" Her cat's name. "Nope."


"It stands for Maddox, idiot." I grin getting the answer out of her. I wrap my arms around her and bring us up to where she is straddling my lap.

"Willow?" I ask, staring right into her eyes. "What is Maddox?"

"I love you." Her smile falters but her whole face softens so I continue.

"I love you, with all my being, I meant it when I said I promised to be by your side throughout everything you go through. I want to spend my life with you. I want us to love each other so much that we get annoyed with it. I want to fight with you like couples do. I want it all."

Willow stares at me the whole time I speak, wiping a tear that fell from her eyes, I brush a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you too." I'm taken back by her response but my heart flutters and it won't stop. I grab her face and kiss her with all the love I can. Never in a million years did I think this would happen.

I thought I would never see her again when she left summer school, and then again when she left for Minnesota. Now, I'm never letting her go, she is mine to keep, mine to love.

She pulls away from me and smiles. We lay back down how we were and start up a conversation. "So, why were you mean to me in summer school?"

Her questions shocked me because I would have assumed she knew the answer. "It wasn't obvious that I liked you? Sure it wasn't the best way to do so, but I thought by now you would have guessed."

"I had an assumption. But I just wanted to be your friend." I smile and kiss her head. "Well no you can be more than my friend."

"I like the sound of that." She bits her lips and leans in to kiss me which I obviously kiss her back.

"I love you Willow, and I'm so proud of you, for everything, the book, it was an amazing read."

"I finished writing it in my spare time, which was a lot." She lets out a humorous chuckle. I kiss her head as she continues talking about the whole experience.

"Did you read the dedication in the back?" Her question confuses me because last time I checked, it didn't have one.

"Where?" She pulls out a copy of her book once she sits up. She goes to the very back and shows me the page.

"This book is dedicated to Maddox Brown. The man who I have fallen in love with completely. The man who takes care of me. He is my best friend at the moment I'm writing this, but when it comes to my next book, I hope to say that he is more than that. Maddox, thank you for supporting me in everything, it's been a heck of a ride with you. Words can't describe how grateful I am for you, even if you get under my skin."

I don't notice that I'm crying until Willow wipes a tear off my cheek. I close the book and look at her. "I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too sweetheart." She kisses me.



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