Chapter 6 ~ Asthma Attack

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I went to the willow tree but quickly realized that Maddox would find me there if he wanted to chase after me. At this point, I wasn't sure if he would.

Instead, I went home and decided it was good to call it a day, which turned into a week. I think it's important to take a mental health day or week. This incident just gave me more of an excuse to do so.

I have been spending the week writing and trying to get my book together. I felt so content while I was writing, I felt so much better. I even cooked myself a meal.

I called Mayella a couple times during that week and we went back and forth about Reece and Maddox. She tells me that she misses being his friend, I tell her I hate Maddox with all my guts.

I think she thinks that I don't hate him but that I like him a lot. Which is stupid because I could say the same thing about her.

But finally after getting through her head, I went to bed with peace in mind. Maddox wasn't going to ruin this year for me. On a brighter note, Mayella told me the family is coming down for a visit so I'm trying to think about that so when time comes, I will be able to throw Maddox away in the back of my head.


Surprisingly, I have gotten no stares, I walked into school and there was no sign of people talking about me. Maybe that week off was better for me than I thought. I was able to get through half my day peacefully.

Notice how I said half.

I have next period with him and I know that he won't come up to talk to me, but he will know that I'm here and maybe if he has a heart or if anything between us means something, he will try and chase me after class.

It's the most cliché thing ever, I would know.

I sigh as I pull out my notes that I had gotten from a classmate to copy down. I did this in my free time during class. It was a lot of notes considering I was out for a week but it was worth it.

I look up seeing the friends that were with Maddox that day, they didn't even spare me a glance which made me smile. I removed that smile from my face when he was the next person to walk in.

I'm going to be honest, I can't tell if he is looking or not. I don't bother looking up because frankly, I'm trying not to care. I let out a breath and turn my attention to the teacher in front of me.


As soon as class is over, I can't get out of the room fast enough because Mrs. Gafinia calls me to the front and asks me why I was absent for a whole week. I told her the truth, that I needed a week to get back to a stable state of mind.

I knew she understood because she was one of the teachers who recommended that type of thing. She cared for our mental health because she knows how important it is to take a breather.

After she dismissed me I ran out as fast as I could without bumping into someone. I failed because the one person standing outside the door was the one person I didn't want to talk to.

And it all happened so fast, I bumped into him, we made eye contact, He opened his mouth, I ran. I could hear him calling my name but I didn't turn back because I knew if I did, I would be in deep trouble.

I can hear his footsteps coming after me but I keep moving. I feel bad for shoving people to the side but at least I'm saying excuse me. I made a run for my car but im not fast enough because once I open my car door, someone's arm comes in and slams it shut.

I'm breathing heavily and so is the person who will not be named, behind me. We don't move, his arm stays on the door in front of me and my hand doesn't move from the car door.

"Will-" His voice starts but he cuts himself off when I turn back to look at him. "Are you happy with yourself? I don't bother showing up to school for a week and then I come back looking weaker as ever?!" I look at him.

My breathing is getting really bad. I go to my bag to reach for my inhaler but I can't find it. I curse out loud by accident and get on the floor to open my bag and search for it.

Oh gosh, I'm going to die. I got my asthma from my grandma on dad's side, he was lucky enough not to get it, but I did. Its seasonal asthma, once the weather changes, my throat all of a sudden closes up and I run, which is the worst thing for it.

"What's wrong? What Are you looking for?" Maddox's voice came from next to me. He is crouched down on the floor next to me watching me search and empty my backpack.

"Shoot, I left it at home." I mostly say to myself in a panic voice. I'm trying to breathe in and out but I can't.

"Willow- breathe, please." He takes his hand and rubs my back up and down. Imma be ticked if this helps.

Gosh dang it.

My breathing slows down as I put my backpack down. He doesn't stop rubbing my back and lifts me up from the dirty parking lot floor. "Good, now tell me what you are looking for." He makes me look him in the eye.

"Inhaler. I have seasonal asthma." He nods and reassures me that we can get to it in time if I keep breathing.

"I need to go." I say and jump in my car and start backing up without letting him get a single word in.

I can't let my guard down. Just because he thinks that helping me breathe is going to get him on my good side, doesn't mean that it won't.


I know this chapter is really bad but I have had writers block for a while. This is more of a filler chapter. I'm trying my best to slow down the pace!

Grammar and spelling comments are encourage.

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