Chapter 15 ~ Falling

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My feet hurt from walking so much. I finally found the gas station after going all over the place. I hope I can still find my way back to the car. I ended up buying about four things of gas just in case it's not enough for the car.

How was I going to carry all this? I'm not. The guy working at the gas station told me he would drive me back to the car and help me out. I took that opportunity to buy something to fill up our stomachs because I know that we haven't eaten all day.

I load up the car as the man waits for me to jump in. "Thanks again man. You have no idea how much this means to me." I buckle my seatbelt. I plug my phone into his charger and wait for it to turn on so I can track my car.

"It's not a big deal. I hope nothing happened to your car." The man starts heading up the road as I open the app to track my car, ignoring messages from my aunt because they're not that important right now.

"Tell me about it." I scoff. My mind is going to my car but then going to Willow and praying that she is okay and is not freaking out that I have been out all day. I made sure to lock the car but open the window a crack so that she had room to breathe if she started to freak out.

"Here is it." I can see the black shiny truck in the far distance. The man drives straight to it crossing traffic.

We pull up to the truck and because my windows are slightly tinted and it's dark in there, I can't see anything, not even Willow. I unlock the truck as I hop out. I swing open the passenger side and see Willow is curled up in the backseat sleeping.

I smile at her even though she must have gone to sleep terrified. I notice how cold it is in the car so I go to my side and turn the keys in and turn on the heater.

I go back outside and grab my things from the man's trunk. He helps me put the gas in and make sure that it's running. I plan on finishing the drive tonight because as much as I want to sleep. I just want to get home.

I place all the food I bought in Willow's seat up front. I grab us two bags of chips, four deli sandwiches, water, and Gatorade.

Maybe if I just stop at a hotel nearby it will be good for the night. I wave the man goodbye as I start driving. I make sure Willow is safe in the back seat before I get on the road.


I have been driving for a while now because it's so dark and there are barely any cars, I can't really see where I'm going so I have to pull directions to a decent hotel. Willow is still napping which surprises me because if it were me, I would have freaked out due to the car moving.

Once I see another gas station, I know that a town is coming up so I look up hotels near here. Suddenly, in the rear mirror. I see Willow sit up abruptly and panic as she looks around with tired eyes. She can't see because she has rubbed her eyes yet. She is probably startled that she is in a moving car.

I pulled over in the Taco Bell parking lot and put the car in park. I turn and see her rubbing her eyes. She looks at me and sighs in relief. What I didn't expect her to do, was jump over the console and hug my neck from behind.

I place my hands on the arms wrapped around me as I feel her breath in my ear. "What took you so long." She whispers but I can tell she sounds so relieved right now.

I got lost on my way there and a guy helped me drive back to the car." I explain the rest to her as she nods. She looks over to her seat when she tries to sit down but sees all the things I bought.

"Hungry?" She doesn't even respond because she opens a sandwich and shoves it in her mouth and moans at the taste.

I laugh as I grab one of mine too. We sit in silence as we eat. "So where are we?' Her voice is more alive.

"Well, we are an hour away from my aunt's house but there is a hotel here I figured we stay at. I texted her and let her know what happened and that I plan to drive the rest tomorrow." She nods.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this." I look down. I hear her chuckle and I look back to see her smiling. "It's fine, now I have a story to tell my family when I go see them." She sounds generally okay with what has happened in the past day.

I burst out laughing and soon we both are in fits of laughter. It dies down after a while. I'm not scared to admit that I'm obsessed with her laugh. It makes me feel at home, safe. I never ever thought that Willow Carter would make me feel safe and make me want to become a better person.

I want her to feel safe around me too. I know I need to work on a lot of things but there is one thing I'm sure about, it's that Willow never wronged anyone. She deserves the world. I would gladly give it to her but I'm scared that she thinks so low of me.

I feel like I have gained her trust in some aspects but it would be wrong of me to assume that she has full trust in me.

I look over to her, she is looking out the window staring at two birds sitting on a branch.

This is the moment I realize I'm falling hard for her.




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