Chapter 3 ~ Tease

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"I'm finally finished!" I exclaim as I do a little victory dance. I finally finished my project for my chemistry class. It only took a week but still! I'm proud. I'm still a little unsettled about what happened a week ago though.

Maddox had liked my picture and when I saw it, I started hyperventilating and so I texted him and asked him what the heck was going on because my heart wouldn't stop freaking racing. He admitted to stalking my page too!

What is wrong with him?

I went to bed early tonight so that I can be prepared and ready for my presentation tomorrow. I wonder what Maddox is going to write about. I know that his mother passed because he told me when we were forced to get to know each other last year. And his dad is not around.

I know he has an aunt though, maybe he did it on her. Sometimes, I feel bad that I'm so mean to him because I know that he probably didn't have such a great life after his mother passed. He is probably mean to cope with that loss and I get it.

When my grandpa on dad's side got really sick and died, I threw the biggest fit because me and him were so close. I went over there all the time when dad was at work and mom was pregnant with May.

I get the feeling of loss and the excuse to be mean because of it. I remember when he passed, I pushed May off the couch I was sitting on because I was so aggravated. She was only two when that happened and it caused her to get stitches.

I was grounded for a while and even then, Mayella was there for me when I was in grief and denial.


"And that's my parents' separate stories and how they came together." I finish off my presentation with.

"That was lovely Willow thank you, any questions for this young lady?" Teach Bowen asks and one girl in the back raises her hand.

"Yes?" I ask

"Your dad is on the Minnesota Wilds right?" The girl asks as I look around the room, noticing a lot of people are now interested in what I have to say.

"Uh yeah he does. He actually played here too when he went to college." I turn my back to turn off my presentation.

"Can I get his autograph? My dad loves watching him and it's his birthday this weekend." The girl bats her eyelashes.

"Um, I'm sorry , but he is in Minnesota, so I can't get you an autograph. I'm sorry." To avoid any more questions, I take my computer and sit down at my desk. A few more people go up to present and then it's Maddox's turn.

"Um- I'm doing this presentation about my aunt's work and how she came to love it." I knew it. His eyes light up every time he brings her up. I know he loves her deep down. Every time he speaks about her, he gets all excited and giddy.

I smile at his presentation done so nicely. I stop myself because I'm supposed to hate him. He finishes out strong as the class claps. He sits down and looks over to me. I don't change my face at all and let him look at me.

He turns back to the front of the class to pay attention but I let my eyes linger a bit. I wonder if he goes to church? I think it would be a deal breaker if he didn't. Wait, why am I thinking about deal breakers?

I shake my head and go back to listening to what the teacher says.


"Mindy! Can you take these to the front please?" I called out to my employer. Fay put me as manager at her bookstore here. I was honored since this place has so much history and it's a big part of my family.

Mindy comes and takes the books from me with a smile. I go back to the front desk and sit down and close my eyes. I have had such a busy day I don't think I will be able to call May. I hear the doorbell ding as a person walks in.

The one and only Maddox Brown comes in but ignores my presence and goes straight to the sci-fi aisle. Does he know this is a romance book store? Just as I think that, I see him coming out with nothing.

I smirk to myself and look back down at my book. I feel a presence in front of me so I look up and see Maddox's hard face. "A romance only bookstore? Really?" He asks like he is upset. I shrug my shoulders. "It says on the window that we only sell romance." I give him a smirk.

He walks away from me and goes back down one of the aisles. He comes back with a woman's fiction book and slides it to me. He then gives me a smirk and takes out his wallet. "Will this be all?" I tease as I scan the book.

He nods and hands me a twenty. "Would you like to join our book club we host here on Saturdays? Or join our membership for a 10% discount?" I ask all my customers this and most of the time they say no.

But not Maddox, "Both please." He says in his cocky voice. "Great." I give him another tight smile and sign him up, giving him details on both things. He walks out of here with a smile like he just won one of our battles.

But he is wrong, because in the end, I will win this long battle that won't stop. And one day, I will have him begging me for my friendship.

I know it's silly, but I like to think we could get along. We have the same humor, the same clothing style, and the same book taste I guess.

I smile to myself and make sure to dm Maddox on Instagram.

"Make sure to read your first chapter before Saturday, we will be discussing it."

"Can't wait Carter."

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