Chapter 17~ Close

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The hand I have on her back feels too real and too good. It was just supposed to be a reminder of why we are here but I can't seem to wipe off the smile on my face.

I ring the doorbell, looking over at Willow who is bouncing up and down avoiding eye contact with me.

I nudge her with my shoulder which gets her to finally look at me. "It's going to be okay, if at any point you want out, let me know." She nods acknowledging my offer.

The door opens and my aunt, who is the girl version of my dad, smiles wide as she steps forward and hugs me. "You are a grown boy! You need to start visiting more often." She kisses my cheek and then she pulls her attention to Willow.

Her smile grows so much bigger which makes me feel offended. "My, my, you're so gorgeous. Beautiful I will tell you." She grabs Willow's face and I'm about to protest but Willow allows her to do so.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Brown. I feel so bad for having you wait on us but the unexpected happened." My aunt waves her off.

"It's alright sweetheart I'm glad you're here. Please call me Maren, let's go get some drinks!" She steals Willow from my arm and wraps her arm around her shoulders. The sight makes me weak in the knees.

It's important to me that Aunt Maren approves of any girl I'm with. Since I was little, I always knew myself as a 'mama's boy. Aunt Maren is my mom. I haven't called her mom yet but it's a big step and I know that she knows I'm feeling this way.

I step inside the house and take in the aroma of my childhood. Aunt Maren always baked me sweets and the house started to just have that natural scent. I take as seat at the bar in the kitchen

"Beer?' Aunt Maren asks and both me and Willow nod. Willow takes a seat next to me when Aunt Maren finally lets her breathe.

"Doing okay?" I lean into her and whisper.

"Your cousins will be here later tonight." Aunt Maren comes in with cold beers and hands them to us. She goes to lean against the counter as we talk.

"Maddox, do you want to go to the car and get your things?' I nod my head but I look to Willow first to make sure she is okay with me leaving her alone. She gives me a smile and nods as I leave.

It takes me no time to grab our things and head them up to my childhood room that is bare except for the bed and some things here and there from past sports.

I make sure to place Willow's things on one side of the bed and I place my things on my dresser. I head downstairs and see that Aunt Maren is cooking some dinner for us. I look at the time and make my way over to Willow.

A part of me snaps and I wrap my arm around her shoulder resting on the couch. I look over to Aunty and see she is not looking so I lean into Willow and whisper, "Is this okay?" She doesn't hesitate to nod.

I look at the tv and see some reality show that has Willows attention more than me. She laughs at a funny part which makes me look over to her and admire her side profile. I have only seen her parents once but Willow is such a copy of her mom. Whereas her sister has both of their parents' features.


"Maddox and Willow to the office, Maddox Brown and Willow Carter to the office please." The intercom of the gym goes off.

Who the heck is in the office for summer school?

I groan as I get up, I notice that I'm falling behind Willow as she walks out as well. She opens the gym door and the sunlight that hits me hurts my eyes. Willow doesn't even make sure that I'm following her.

I smirk as I see her speed walking to the office to try and get any from me. It takes us two minutes to get to the office and let me tell you that it was the weirdest seconds of my life.

"Ah great to see you both, come in." Principal Matthews gestures us into the office and me and Willow take a seat next to each other while Mrs. Matthews sits in her chair.

"So, your summer school teacher has notified me that both of you have completed all your credits for this course. In fact you guys are the only ones who have finished this early. Now we have an option for you. You can either continue to take this class for "fun", or you can select another course to gain credit and you can both get ahead for next year in class."

I look over to Willow who has nothing but relief on her face. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to end early." Willow gives a smile as the principal nods and then turns her attention to me. "Um- I guess I will do the same."

"Great! Thank you both for making up credits. You are dismissed." I stand up after Willow as we walk out of the office.

I can tell she is walking back to the locker room to change and get her things. I make sure to wait for her because if I know one thing, I'm not leaving without a goodbye.

I waited for fifteen minutes and still no sign of her. Even the class is out and ready. I catch a girl leaving the locker room and decide to walk over and ask her.

"Excuse me? Is Willow in there?" The girl shakes her head and it wasn't till that moment that I realized that a head shake could break my heart.

How could she leave without saying goodbye? I thought that at least I would get that. Now that I think of it. I don't deserve a goodbye. She doesn't like me.

I thank the girl and start heading to the gate. I get in my car and internally beat myself up.

I'm never going to see her again.

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