Chapter 4: Back at Square One

Start from the beginning

"Aye-yai-yai," the man moaned, shaking his head. He took a look around him, and then let out a dramatic sigh. "Crawl out of one hole, and into another."

"Yeah, that's the story of my life..." Jaune stated, a resigned expression on his face.

"Hey, at least this place is more spacious than a wardrobe," Coco pointed out.

"I don't think that's much of an improvement, given the circumstances," Velvet told her leader timidly.

"So, do you have any idea about what the hell's going on around here?" Jaune asked, craning his neck to look back at the man he was currently handcuffed to.

"Hey, you're Valean, aren't you?" the Huntsman received in reply. "What brings a bloke like you to this part of Mistral- Ah! Hey! Easy, whoever you are!" The man winced as Jaune bent their arms awkwardly, in order to fish through his trench coat's pockets.

"Sorry," the Huntsman apologized. He produced the photo of Summer from his pocket, holding it out at an angle his fellow captive would be able to see it from. "My name is Jaune. I came to this place looking for this girl. Have you seen her?"

"Smart thinking, Mr. Arc," Ozpin said with a nod. "If this man was being held prisoner by these villagers as well, there is a chance he and Summer might have come across each other at one point."

The man stared down at the photo of Summer for a moment, before looking back up at Jaune.

"What, are you supposed to be a detective or something?" he said with a scoff. "Nah, you don't look the type."

"Maybe," the Huntsman said, shrugging his shoulders as best as he could. The other man lifted his head, looking up towards the ceiling.

"Okay, let me guess," he said finally. "She's your daughter?" Jaune raised an eyebrow.

"That's too good for a guess," he stated. "Mind telling me how you figured that out?"

"Gee, that sure is a mystery," Mercury said sarcastically. "It's not like she has both your hair and your eye color or anything."

"Don't be an ass, Mercury," Cinder said coolly. "That was a valid question to ask."

The man looked into Jaune's eyes, as a serious expression came over his face.

"Psychic powers," he whispered. Seeing the Huntsman's incredulous stare, the man let out a short laugh. "Ha, ha! I'm just kidding. She looks enough like you that it wasn't too hard to make the connection. As for where she is, I seem to recall one of the villagers mentioning something about a little girl being held in a church." The latter part of the man's dialogue became a voiceover, as the scene abruptly cut to outside the building that he and Jaune were currently being held in. Making his way up the pathway and through the gate leading to the building was another man in a black robe, wearing an executioner's hood over his head. He dragged a large axe across the ground behind him.

"That's not good," Roman said, gritting his teeth.

"No, it is not." Ms. Goodwitch pursed her lips. "Brace yourself, Mr. Arc."

"And who might you be?" Jaune asked, as the scene returned to him and his fellow captor.

"The name's Forest Hemlock," the man introduced himself. "I used to be a cop, back in Atlas." His chest heaved as he slumped downwards. "Now, I'm just a good-for-nothing guy, who happens to be quite the ladies' man~" Forest smirked at his own description of himself.

"A ladies' man? Him?" Whitley demanded, staring at the screen in shock. "But he looks so scruffy!"

"Some women like their men rugged," Kali told the boy, before cuddling up against her husband. "I know I do~"

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