Execution and trouble

Start from the beginning

He then pointed the gun at the third guard, who looked outright terrified right now. 'You can put your gun down. I won't hurt you. I'll just tie you up then, so you can't alert anyone.'

His words seemed to have the opposite effect on the guy. His eyes shone with a sudden determination and he charged. X sighed at his idiocy as he easily blocked a punch and hooked the guard in the ear. He stumbled back in pain and X sucker-punched his stomach, flattening him as well. He checked his watch quickly. The whole thing cost him a precious two minutes. He spent another anxious minute tying them up and taping their mouths.

Once that was done, X looked at the surveillance cameras. He'd noted all of them as he walked in and had tried his best to bring the guards in the blind spot. But since the guards were out of commission, someone was bound to notice their absence and come calling.

He sped to the VX room as fast as he could. Just then Sheaf's voice crackled through the earpiece, slightly panicked. 'Heads up, X. The guards in the surveillance room have spotted the absence of guards in the weapons room and they're coming over to check it out. You'll have them on your tail as soon as they realize what happened.'

X cursed. He'd been hoping for more time till they realized something was off, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

He screeched to a stop in front of the VX room, pulled out his tools and quickly went to work on the door. It clicked with a satisfying sound and he swung it open. There, sitting in the middle of the room in all its glory, was the barrel of VX. He dashed to it and began hooking it up to the straps he'd put on before coming.

He hauled it up, staggered slightly at the imbalance due to the sudden weight, and then started walking towards the exit.

X sighed as he spotted a few more guards enter through the door and fill out into the room. There were only three again, which meant they hasn't taken the threat seriously when they discovered the missing guards in the surveillance room.

This was starting to get annoying and a waste of time. He sighed again as all the guards came running towards him, fists raised and expressions fierce. He punched a guy in the chest, hard, and sent him wheezing to the floor. From guard 2 he received a blow to the biceps. It frankly hurt quite a bit and he winced.

It only served to infuriate him further, though, and he punched that guy in the nose now, breaking it and making him reel. Another kick to the stomach would ensure that he wouldn't be able to get up for quite some time.

Unfortunately, the third guard hadn't minded the rules of polite society and waited patiently while X took care of guard 2. He punched him in the stomach, and X doubled over in pain. Then he almost toppled over and fell to the floor because of the VX barrel.

How embarrassing. I hope none of them saw that.

'We saw that.' A gleeful voice, Sheaf's, laughed through the earpiece. 'Hacker had hacked into the system and we kept following you through the cameras as well. It was a bit of an effort in the starting, but I think all that effort paid off.'
X groaned, shook his head and turned around to face the annoying guy again. He swung at X, but X was ready this time. He dodged to a side and hit the guard in the small of his back with his elbow. He crumpled to the ground.

X knew he wouldn't be able to get up for quite some time now, but he still gave him another punch for humiliating him. 'That one was for embarrassing me.' X told him childishly and set out with the VX on his back.

'Good job, X.' Sheaf commended him. X gave a humph and Sheaf laughed. 'Still angry at my comment? Come on, don't be a baby.' He teased him further. X just hmphed again.

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