He trailed off with a faraway glint in his eyes and my growl of warning snapped him out of his perverted memories. 

"Anyways after our...nightly cuddle session...I was curious to know more about the twins heritage since we've spent so much time together"

"You've always know how much I love history... especially Supernatural History..." He gave me a pointed look "Anyways...that night they taught me about their tribes beliefs and superstitions. One of those superstitions were that the Tribe believed that the worlds are directly mirrored or inverted with one another. Essentially they thought that If something happens in one world, then the same thing happens in the other worlds. I thought that they were just some cool myths but now I know for sure that while they cool, they aren't exactly accurate." 

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked. 

"The tribe thought that if something happens to someone in one world then the same thing happens to their counterparts in the other worlds" he explained, unwrapping another lolipop  "My theory is that while the same things do happen in each world, just like a Mirror, they happen to the inverted counterpart, just at a slower rate or different time. So if the Protectors of the Queen of the Wolves got their markings twenty years ago than it would make sense that the Queen of the Underworld's Protectors also got the mark..." 

He trailed off, giving me a pointed look. 

I looked at him like he was insane. 

"Serenity's dead" I spat "She died in my arms. Her parents cremated and buried her in their family crypt."

Xenos leaned back in his seat and hummed in contemplation. 

I growled at him and stood "What are you insinuating Xenos?" 

"I don't know Zephyr" he spoke carefully around his candy "What is it that you think I'm insinuating?" 

"I know what you're insinuating and I don't fucking like it" I snapped "She was murdered. She's dead. Nothing simpler than that." 

"If you say so cousin" he backed down. 

"Don't do that" I gripped his shirt and his eyes flashed when I threw his stupid candy at the wall "Don't try to mess with my mind like your father." 

With those words, his grey eyes blazed with anger. 

"What is he talking about Zephyr?" Ethan said slowly "What does he know that I don't?" 

"Nothing" I said through gritted teeth "He doesn't know what he's talking about." 

"No cousin, he should know" Xenos jumped up, gritting his teeth "If we're going to be Mystery Inc. up in this bitch, might as well come clean and tell him what you and I both know Scooby Doo." 

"I should rip your tongue from your body" I snarled. 

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