'First letter'

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Since you haven't been able to introduce yourself to Ayato, and he's busy with work so he cannot chat, you decided...

To go to Teyvat and send him a letter!


You don't know what everyone actually does in Teyvat because the game doesn't show it. So, you asked if Ayaka, Aether and Paimon can come with you.

They agreed, but then the people of Inazuma might ask Ayaka for help since she just returned. Incase Ayaka gets occupied in work, you have Aether and Paimon to bring you to the Kamisato Estate.

*Timeskip after heading through the portal and went to the Kamisato Estate*

The place looks really pretty when you're looking at the place yourself. You started writing your letter on the desk...

You: What else should I write?

Aether: Maybe...

Paimon: Can you also tell Ayato we said hi?

You: Sure, I'll also tell him Ayaka said hi too.

A while after you were finished with the letter, you spot...Thoma. 

Thoma: Hi Aether and Paimon! Where have you been? You were missing for so long.

Thoma: Oh, and do you have a new friend?

You: Riiight...about that...

Aether: Well...okay...how do we explain this...

Paimon: So...

You: This is so awkward...

You: I'm y/n. You know, the one from the chats?

Thoma: Wait...so...

Paimon: Yep, you can say it.

Thoma: I see...

Thoma: Anyway, welcome to Inazuma, y/n!

You: Thanks. I'm here because I wanted to write a letter to Ayato. Could you do me a favor and give it to him for me please? Oh, and he can read it anytime.

Thoma: Okay, I'll do that.

Suddenly, Ayaka runs in fast.

Ayaka: Aether, Paimon, I need your help.

Aether: What is it?

Paimon: Are you in danger? Do you need help with work?

Ayaka: Don't worry about me, I have handled several matters already. And I am fine.

Ayaka: The problem is that someone is being attacked by Kairagi somewhere in Narukami Island.

Ayaka: I have more matters to attend to, so could you two check with this one?

Ayaka: Here, I marked them on your map.

Paimon: Leave it to us! Kairagi are a piece of cake.

Ayaka: Good. Let us part ways here.

Aether, Paimon and Ayaka leaves, and you fold your letter carefully and placed it in a neat envelope. After that, you handed it to Thoma.

Thoma: So what will you do until then?

You: I'll be back in my world. Don't worry, I'm sure a portal will appear so you can visit, I don't know when.

Thoma: Okay, bye y/n!

You went off and back to the spot where you last found the portal. When you arrived back in your world, though...nobody else was there.

You: Wait...did they leave?

Then you realized they actually had work. Suddenly, you heard a knock on your door. You quickly closed the portal app on your phone and the portal closes. You opened your door to see (friend name). 

You: Oh, hey f/n...

F/n: Hi y/n! Long time, no see!

F/n: Well? I'm finally back from my vacation. What's wrong?

You're actually glad f/n hasn't came when your Genshin friends were still around. Otherwise, you will get in huge trouble.

You: Nothing, I'm just surprised you're already back.

F/n: Since when did you start drinking wine?

You: What?

You noticed the bottles of wine on the counter. This is bad...

You: Oh...I had another friend who came over and brought wine...

F/n: I see. Where's their room?

You: Wait! Uhh...

But f/n had already went upstairs. 

F/n: Your rooms are so full...

You: Sorry, I had a lot of my friends to come over...

F/n: Why didn't you invite me to the sleepover?

You: Because you were still on vacation at that time?

F/n: Right. You have a point. I guess I'll go now.

You: Okay, bye f/n!

The last thing you would ever hope for was for your friend to find out fiction is real.

(Epilogue for this chapter)

Thoma: Sir Kamisato, you received a letter...

Ayato: From who?

Thoma: y/n. From the chats, remember?

Ayato: I don't recall anyone being there named y/n.

Thoma: (your username) is y/n.

Ayato: Oh, I see.

Ayato: Just place the letter on my desk. I will read it later.


Ayato: My work is done for the day. I can rest now...

Ayato: Oh...the letter.

Ayato: Now is the best time to read it...

The letter:

Dear Ayato,

How are you today? I hope you're doing good. Oh, by the way, I'm y/n. I'm from another world, but you probably figured that out already. I have already met Aether, Paimon, Ayaka, Thoma and some other people. They are all super nice and I'm sure you are too. Fun fact: In my world, all of you were just fiction, just a game that everyone loved. Nobody but me knows you all exist.

With all that being said, I hope we can actually meet up someday. In Inazuma, of course. Aether, Paimon and your sister said hi! Tip: Please don't overwork yourself. I've seen some people do that and they got a bad result. It's just a suggestion.

See you soon!

- Y/n

Ayato: I should write a reply...but I'll do it tomorrow after work.

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