'Nighttime stroll'

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You were shopping at nighttime and was ready to go back home. You put all the goods in the trunk of your car when you saw a hooded person near you. You looked away for a while and when you looked back they were closer to you. You tried to back away a little and they were walking forward...at your direction. They were a bit suspicious, so you tried to start a conversation to not let them hurt you.

You: Uh...hi?

???: Hello there.

You: Need something?

???: No. How are you today?

You: I'm feeling...fine.

???: May I have your name?

You: I wish I can tell you, but I'm in a hurry. I'm heading home since it's nighttime.

???: I can escort you home. You seem alone.

You: I'm sure you don't know my home address. Plus I can drive.

???: I'm not taking that as an answer.

They pulled out a knife and suddenly you know your suspicions were correct.

"Get away!"

You ran into a nearby alley, but you got cornered.

"Now...it's time for you to say goodbye."

You were panicking so much. Your heart was pounding fast, you wanted to scream for help.

"Get away from them. Now."

You heard a familiar voice from behind the hooded person.

"Let them go, they don't deserve to die."

You stood there like a statue. Frozen to the bone. The hooded person turned to the man you knew. The person dropped the knife and started to fight him.

He won the fight, and he helped you escape while he was knocked out.

"Come on, quickly."

You get in the car and start driving to your house. You were so scared at that time. Now you know you shouldn't go shopping at night.

You: Thanks for saving me back there, Diluc. If you weren't there, I would've been dead by then.

Diluc: I'm just doing what I am supposed to do.

You: You are the Darknight Hero after all...

You: That's it, I'm not going outside at night.

Diluc: You only got unlucky today. It should be safe to walk out at night.

You: Could you...come with me at night tomorrow?

Diluc: *sighs* I don't have any better things to do so...okay.

*the next day- er...night*

You: It's quite nice walking under the moon. Not like romantic.

You still shaked a little because of what happened yesterday. It can't get off your head.

Diluc: Are you alright?

You: I'm fine...it's just...I don't want to experience something like what happened yesterday again...

Diluc: It's okay. I'll make sure it never happens ever again.

You: Really? Thank you in advance.

(Pls, vote the next xReader. Ganyu is next so vote the one after her. Once all xReaders are done I'll make random scenarios.)








(COMPLETE) It's not a dream - Genshin Impact x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن