'Why am I here?'

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(your username), Rosaria and 4 others have set their status to Active

You: Oh hey rosaria. whos the other 4 people?

Rosaria: Do I know you?

Rosaria: Where are you? I will find you.

You: Some other world lol

Barbara: And what does "lol" mean?

You: Shortcut for "laughing out loud"

Fischl: My loyal subjects, I am Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. I would like to have a quick appointment with you, (your username).

You: ummm my name is y/n and ok fischl

Fischl: I was about to travel with my Auge der Verurteilung, but then just now I have received a message from this very unusual and unappealing device. This special gadget holds something that may beat one's undying power. Oz had to seek the secret of this message but it was also quite long and there were apparently none that mentions the Prinzessin. Thus one who doesn't respect me shall witness cruel punishment of the violet lightning of retribution.

You: o-

Bennett: If you still don't get it, she means that she got a message from this thing called a "phone". It was pretty long too.

Rosaria: Can I leave? I hate it here.

Bennett: Why? Hey, can I go to where you are and adventure with you? Where do you live anyway?

Rosaria: No. And I won't tell you.

Barbara: Sister Rosaria, you need to go back to the Cathedral! All sisters need to be present right now!

Rosaria: No, I said I'm not interested in those things.

Barbara: It's very important. Really, really important.

Rosaria: I said no.

You: wait who else is online it said rosaria and 4 others and theres barbara bennett and fischl so wheres the last one

Razor: ...

You: oh. razor.

Razor: What's this?

Bennett: Oh, you want me to teach you how to use it?

Razor: Yes.

Bennett: Okay, I'm coming!

Fischl: Bennett, you're my Auge der Verurteilung. One who is born in royal blood honors you so. And yet, you leave me behind for someone ordinary. Someone who is at a lower ranking.

Bennett: It will just be a while Fischl...I'll come back later!

Bennett: Wait but...I forgot I still got a wound...

Barbara: Don't worry! I'll heal you in no time!

Bennett: Thanks Barbara!

You: everyone seems you're leaving me out :((((((

Fischl: Apologies, y/n.

Barbara: Yes, sorry...

You: okay its okay let's just go now okay?

Rosaria: Finally, I hate it here.

Bennett: Can I still know where you live?

Rosaria: No.

Razor: Goodbye.

Fischl: Adieu to all.

Bennett: Bye! Stay safe when traveling!

Barbara: Bye-bye!

You: byeeeee yall

(your username), Rosaria and 4 others have set their status to Away

(COMPLETE) It's not a dream - Genshin Impact x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora