Chapter Six

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Ruby's Pov
The days flew long before I knew it you were being round up into something I would remember for a while. Two I enjoyed working with them, they were fun and all had their very own personalities they enjoyed music.

They enjoyed interacting with their fans and that's what made me even more happy, then to open up to these men.

I scrolled through my phone half sleep like, my Instagram feed filled with nothing but random, taking a moment to perk up when I could hear all the guys laughing and chatting with one over sound check. As long as they aren't arguing it was fine with me.

"Dude I've been strumming my guitar for fifteen minutes now why does it sound like that!" A choked up sound of a laugh had slipped from Lonny causing Andy to lean over his mic more lifting his eyebrow in Jinxx's direction with amusement rocking back in his feet a couple times.

"Huh? It sounds fine to me what are you talking about?" Andy exclaimed through his soft chuckles. CC glanced up, yanking his hair away with a quick motion to his hair.

"I have noticed the pitch is a little off during rebel love song." He commented with a chuckle. It cause Jinxx to whine quietly to himself, Jake shook his head a couple times in his own amusement.

I grew curious stuffing my phone to rest in the back pocket of my skinny jeans. I cleared my throat as I walked across the stage with a shy like chuckle looking between them all.

"May I see it Jinxx?" He lifted an eyebrow in my direction, jogging over towards me in a one rush motion taking the black guitar up and off his chest.

"Yeah sure." He sounded so formerly confused. Holding it in my arms I moved to sit on the edge of the large stage, tuning it a few times only one of the cords needed to be pressing my fingers between g, before going straight to a and e.  I strummed a loud riff of the first chorus to Rebel love song with a chuckle standing back up handing it over to him.

"There." A wide grin stayed over his face suddenly. Andy sent a playful wink in my direction, shaking with his soft laughter shutting his eyes with a whine.

"I totally forgot to mention that our lovely manager can play the guitar guys." He gestured towards me quickly with his open palm, causing for Lonny to exclaim over him a couple times.

"Yeah you think! What else can you do Ruby? What secret talents are you hiding from us." I found my eyes following everyone for a split second tapping at my arms a few times over my hands thinking it over.

"Nothing too adventurous I can tell you that. I just know how to play guitar,piano and violin." I snickered quietly focusing on the way their jaws either dropped and or low whistles bounced around.

"I'm not gonna lie that's impressive when did you learn?" Questioned CC folding his own arms over his chest firmly in place. I found my own feet rocking a couple times in place almost dazed in a way before lifting my hand to run under my chin a couple times in place with a faint smile.

"I was around fourteen I believe? My older brother helped me learn actually so to keep that in the air you need a fix with your instruments and staff isn't around find me and I'll help." I chuckled out a soft exclaim backing up with a squeak when Lonny hugged me tightly lifting me up with happiness laced through out him in amusement as he carried me off to the other side of the stage.

"I'm kidnapping our manager she's mine now she's so talented!" I snorted through my amusement holding his arms squirming with my very own laughter wiggling about.

"I have to do my job you crazy man! No no tickles!" I shouted at the top of my lungs through my laughter, shaking with my own laughter with him. I locked eyes with a few of the other guys who were shaking their heads or just egging for more fun.

I locked eyes with Andy watching the way his tall form chuckling watching the interactions with watchful eyes, before he shot the both of us a playful wink in our direction turbo track towards his mic to mess around with it calling out to Jake in a serious whiney like tone.

"We have the right guitars to play these set list songs don't we?" I faintly found myself  smiling shaking my head in my own little amusement. I was enjoying my time here more then I every expected I was. A part of me was anticipating the full worse of everything.

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