Chapter Five

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Ruby's Pov
First official concert on the tour was happening, was I ready? When it came to my job I was always mentally prepared for what was to come from tours. 

After parties and hotel stays, though from the videos I had seen their fans were respectful in the sense of giving them space when meeting any of them.

Andy seemed to enjoy drinking energy drinks before getting on a plane ride, and during his time getting dressed preparing for his stages.

I was with management making sure everything was all in motions with stage check, followed by a sound check checking over every little thing I could.

I was marking off things on my clip board making mental notes when a small yelp tore through me suddenly feeling someone had grabbed at my arm. I was being dragged off, whining out at the sight of a half shirtless Andy.

"Way to give me a heart attack." I exclaimed over the growing loud noise, hearing him speaking loudly over it all.

  "I need your help with something!" I lifted my eyebrow at that, but none the less I let him drag me inside the dressing room with all the other half naked others. He plopped down roughly in his seat in front of the mirror it was like he grew shy suddenly muttering to me.

"Can you help me with my make up Ruby... I usually have.. Juilet slightly supporting me but." I clicked my tongue sending him a quick smile. Shaking my head.

"Not at all, I'd be happy to help just turn your head towards me." I set down my clip board first starting with the light white shade of makeup blending it into Andy skin with ease.

He wasn't making too much of a fuse leaning forward into his seat to help me with his tall height.

"You have amazing skin Andy." I muttered hearing a husky chuckle come from him softly, his eyes slightly fluttering open to gaze at me.

"Thank you." He muttered back smiling some more, most make up looks he wanted to look like a skeleton which was easy, grabbing the eyeliner outlining his eyes, I poked my tongue out focus on the task.

"So do tell me, where did you learn to do emo makeup?" I wasn't sure if he was totally joking or not, yet it still caused me to laugh quite a bit, waving my hand over his face a couple times making sure to get it as dry as I could.

"Believe it or not, I use to do my make up heavy like this in high school. I had more practice with some of the band's I was managing." It was a more simple version, watching Andy open his blue eyes to focus on me, I turned his head towards the mirror so he can judge it so far.

"How's that?" He looked impressed peering into the mirror more grinning brightly.

"Not to heavy I love it, couldn't have done better myself thank you." I smiled at him wrapping my arms around his bare shoulders squeezing at them with ease, feeling his long arm slide around my waist giving me a firm hug back instead.

"You're very welcome." He rested his head near my chest still hugging me tightly, shaking out his semi wet hair a few times the sound of him smacking on his gum as well sounded out over CC and Jinxx's loud laughter among one another.

"You know you can be cute sometimes Andy, you get all clingy and want hugs, but just so you know I'll give you all the hugs you could ever want yeah?" A soft chuckle left him, I noticed his knee was bouncing quite a lot continuously as well as his body.

"I don't think drinking all those monsters back at the hotel was wise now I'm all jittery and can't focus." I cooed gently through some soft snickers whispering in a teasing tone.

"I could have told you that silly, but no you never listen now you and Lonny and CC are gonna be shaking all night." I watched him roll his eyes playfully at me hearing him muttering playfully.

"Yes thank you mom for the insight on my jitteres. I'll buy you some candy since that seems to be all you eat, see how you feel in an hour." I hissed out a loud whine yanking his hair getting a loud laugh like exclaim from the taller male.

"This is about you, not me." I said through my hard laughter, he just buried his head slightly trying not to mess it up.

"Abuse woman." I found my hands messing with his loose framed hair all my slight nerves for tonight fading away. They all would be alright, this is what they lived for the music and the stage.

"Ruby! I can't find my freaking shirt!"

Totally a long night

Drown (Andy Biersack Bwwm) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant