Chapter Two

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Ruby's Pov
How much cups of coffee was I on? Had to have at least three. It was the only thing that could possibly keep me awake long enough for this meeting. I had been to Sumerian  records a few times. Just had to recall my memory more on Black Veil Brides, very talented they were, just from listening to a few songs had me wanting to do my own riffs and what not.

Andy was a talented singer alone, with his own solo work, he had been in the music world for quite a while since 2007 so he shouldn't be a stranger too much. I made myself as comfortable as I could on the leather sofa chugging back my now fifth cup of coffee, having full jitters hearing a small laugh coming from one of the staff team Dan. I was hyper to the max.

"You gotta slow your roll Ruby! At this rate you'll be as hyper as Andy and won't be able to focus." I cradled the warm cup in my grasp.  My legs shaking and bouncing on their own speaking as calmly as I could.

"I already don't focus enough, the coffee is either gonna make me focus or not focus." I said through my laughter, at his amused face. "Plus I stayed up all night making sure I had all my data and info right." It caused every one who was in the little studio to laugh gently.

I almost jumped when I heard the door to the studio opening focusing on the tall men entering the room chuckling, chatting with one another and what not with one another.

How exactly did I know which one was Andy even though they all had tattoos? Something just about his smile, and those pretty blues of his looking everywhere with his hands stuffed inside his black leather jacket.

Alright Ruby let's not panic at the attractive sight, I mentally scolded myself drinking the rest of the coffee, quickly tossing it away into the nearby trash can cuddling my arms through the thick martial of my dark grey hoodie.

Oh no... I'm way too hyper. Dan had jumped up meeting them all half way greeting them with hugs, before he was rushing back up grabbing my hand to help me up.

"Guys guys, I'm so glad you made it so quickly, alright take good care of her she's on the shy side. This is Ruby your new manger." I was trying to move as quickly as I could behind him, but he gave me a small push of what I called encouragement towards the tall men who were making me even more shy and nervous.

I watched as Andy's hands shot out to steady me a soft chuckle leaving him. "Careful there Dan, we have precious cargo now we gotta take care of. Hey there Ruby it's nice to meet you finally! I heard you are the best out there." I squinted slightly at him behind my glasses with a small whine like laugh.

"Whoever told you that must have been lying-  anyway! Hello it's nice to meet you guys. I may have had like five cups of coffee but I'm all good to go." I told them all, Andy grinned looking back at them.

"I like her she's energetic like me, that's CC, Jake, Jinxx and Lonny." I nodded my head at each of their names.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you look really really young- like teenage young." I laughed nervously after Andy had helped me steady myself.  I brought my hand to rub at the back of my hair a few times.

"Yeah I get that a lot, no offense taken actually I just turned twenty one a few months back. But I've had a lot of experience managing bands actually." I cleared my throat backing up to give a little space for a moment before I whipped out my phone from my back pocket, unlocking it and all, scrolling through my gallery before showing them with a soft chuckle at the collective impressed gasps.

"I helped co manage Sleeping with Sirens, Falling in Reverse, Bring Me The Horizon quite a few actually." I chuckled flicking through each picture for them to see. "But you will be the first band I've managed with no help alone, so please go easy on me." Andy smiled at me reassuring placing his arm around my upper shoulders.

"I think we are quite chill and relaxed Ruby, but will help you along the way alright? You have no worries." Well there goes some relief off my damn shoulders, I smiled back at Andy clearing my throat.

"So the first actually order of business, of our meeting I know it's really really early but I wanted all of your ideas first. How soon would you all like to start the tour?" Andy's blue eyes flicker a bit with quite surprise looking back to stare at Jinxx who also looked startled.

"Wait we get to like actually pick the month?" Jinxx was seriously staring at me like I had grown a second head Jake stepping forward to peek at me like I was insane.

"Well yeah? I'm not just gonna pick a date and month without getting your input first it's your tour." I answered with a soft laugh.

"Can I like keep her forever, she's already amazing." I found CC's comment put me at ease, laughing quietly slightly rolling my sleeve over my hand pressing it over my chin.

They all seemed to be looking between one another like they weren't sure what to say, yet Andy had urged me closer to him another light laugh leaving him.

"I guess fuck it, let's start now, is that alright with you Ruby?" Once again those pretty blues focused on me, he seemed genuinely excited and happy about it. I breathed out a small chuckle returning the hug the tall male was giving me.

"It sounds like a plan let's get the marketing team to work their magic and get this tour started."

Hell yeah!" I found myself not faking the laughter and smile that grew on my face at their excitement it really was rare.

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