Chapter One

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Ruby's Pov
The wave of exhaustion wiped over me in one instant. But in my defense at the time of twelve am finishing a show was way more important then sleep for a few hours.

Now if I had active work duties then I would be totally fucked to the max, a sharp yawn left me, rolling out from under my blanket fort, scooping up my round glasses to shove back in place, the occasion sound of the crinkle of bags of chips, and the rumble from the soda cans.

Since quarantine back in 2020 I had soon isolated myself into a sort of alone like state, which wasn't the brightest idea mentally. I had a few friends, yet I was a person who could stay inside for days without having to come out to see anyone. Just staying inside with songs, instrumentals, TV and video games and I was sent.

I stood up off the hard wood with a small grunt leaving me, rubbing at lower  area of my back a few times, heading to the kitchen area for a water break, taking the time to fill up a glass with water. The little break was soon cut off very short by the blaring of my phone, chugging back the liquid I scrambled over to yank it off the couch answering it like I totally wasn't out of breath.

"Hello? Oh hey Russell what's up?" I propped one hand on the armrest, using my occupied hand to grip my phone much tighter.

"Hey Ruby! God you sound exhausted like always. Anyway. I need you to come down by my office, I've got some exciting news for you." I focused on his enthusiasm which means one thing and one thing only. A fake smile broke across my face suddenly as I exhaled, not even the bright sun beaming through the blinds of the living room could hold back the sarcastic time in my voice.

"You have a new band for me to manage, that's awesome!"

So not awesome...

With some quick refreshing up and adding some moisture to the large pile of curls on my head, I had arrived at Russel's office yanking my black face mask to rest on my chin, my eyes following as he plopped a large amount of papers into his desk sitting down roughly a strange like grumble groan leaving him, his fingers rubbing at his beard for just a split momen. He was just making me more nervous, my leg bouncing up and down, leaning back into the leather material of the chair, bringing one finger up for a moment rubbing at the bridge of my nose.

"I'm glad you could make it on like such a short call, alright so I'll cut you loose on this. I know you need work, Everyone has since back in 2020. The leader of the band is already offering you 300,000 grand in total for just starting and signing." My eyes rounded quite a lot grabbing the stack of papers to flip through them.

"Oh wow- they must be eager than. " I chuckled a little nibbling at my lower lip.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to get back out of the house with some new managers." The male was quick to shake his head a few times clearing his throat.

"Actually this time Ruby, you'll be doing it all on your own. With a small management team of staff, but you'd be handling tour details, press." My jaw dropped so quickly.

"Russell I've never managed a band on my own. I always was a co manager under the head manager." My fingers halted as I kept looking through the pages.

"Ruby listen everyone is getting desperate for normal times to return. Which means we gotta push for these kinds of things. You need to push to learn more." I laughed heavily shoving my glasses back into the bridge of my nose, bouncing my knee continuously. I had barely just turned 21 and I had managed quite a few known bands.

"What's the uhh band called?" I asked meekly getting ready for another endless night of me learning what I needed to learn.

"Black Veil Brides, it's been a while since they've had a new album, and Andy is a little eager to keep 2021 going with a tour," I licked at my lower lip a couple times setting the stakes of papers down. That name already rang a bell. I should have a little knowledge about them, but it didn't hurt to refresh my already full brain. I rested my palm on my temple for a moment.

"The name rings a bell. Yeah I don't mind, I'll manage them. When do I meet them?" His dark brown eyes flashed to me with amusement, folding his hands into his lap.
"Well look who else is eager. You'll meet them on Friday. You get to decide when they start tour." Once again my eyes bulge so quickly I choked harshly on a squeak leaving me.

"Russell seriously that's tomorrow, you aren't giving me any time to learn about them! And what do you mean I get to decide." The lump residing near my throat was already growing uncomfortable .

"You are the only manager Ruby, which means you get to see charge on everything." All that could leave me again, was a soft groan placing my palm over my temple some more.

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