sleeping habits😴

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-Snores a lot, very loudly. You had to get him anti snoring clips that you put on your nose.
-He's a deep sleeper so it's difficult to wake him up and he doesn't nudge even if there's loud noise around him.
- doesn't move a lot, and its hard to move him once he's asleep because he sleeps like a rock
-Loves to cuddle with you, but if you're not there he doesn't really bother to hold a pillow
- sleeps shirtless

- not a deep sleeper
- can't sleep without something in his arms, so you ALWAYS cuddle, daily, regularly
- puts his legs on yours, intertwines them, rubs them against yours to show you love
- moves a lot in his sleep
- he also mumbles in his sleep sometimes and laughs
- sleeps in a three piece suit and tie
(Jk XD, he sleeps in some shorts and a tshirt)

- light sleeper, but sleeps a lot.
- cuddles a lot, but if you're not there, he doesn't bother
- moves a lot in his sleep, sleeps in a diagonal position accross the bed putting his feet on you
- very cute pouty lips when he's asleep
- sleeps in a tshirt and shorts like V

- another one who snores a lot
- after his surgery it has reduced tho.
- cuddles you before sleeping and falls asleep in that position.
- doesn't move a lot in his sleep, but his grip around you never loosens and he adjusts it when you move.
- neither a deep sleeper nor a light sleeper
- sometimes his mouth is open in his sleep
- sleeps topless, or in a sleeveless shirt.

- another light sleeper
- all for cuddles, but only at the beginning of the night, once he's asleep he lets go and sleeps on his own
- wierd positions, moves a lot, touches his arms and stomach and chest in sleep, slightly caressing them which you thought was wierd at first
- sleeps in luxury sleepwear items, wears an eye mask 😂

- not a deep sleeper but you can't wake him up against his will.
- doesn't move a lot, but will groan if you leave his arms.
- loves to cuddle, but hates to admit it.
- light snores, doesn't move as much
- hums in his sleep sometimes.
-mouth is slightly parted open
- wears a full sleeve tshirt and sweatpants

Is a average sleeper.
-Doesn't cuddle as much, only his RJ plushie sometimes if it's not you.
-Sometimes talks in his sleep when he's had a tiring day.
-Is very disciplined and doesn't move a lot or put his legs over you.
-sleeps in his tiny tan pjs, he has a whole collection of bts sleepwear merch

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