when you have chapped lips👄

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So your lips are slightly dry and he notices:

-"DO YOU NOT DRINK ENOUGH WATER??" yells at you mom style
-Makes you finish a whole glass of water and tells you to take care of your lips

- he's nonchalant, tosses a lip balm to you.
- Kisses you after a while to check if you actually used it XD

-He himself puts the chapstick on your lips. "Y/n say 'ah' that's like it"
- then he kisses you, saying "oh you taste like strawberry hehe"

-Notices when he kisses you that you have dry lips
-Stops and leaves mid kiss, leaving you confused, gets back with the chapstick and puts it on your lips gently.
- "y/n-ah, take good care of yourself, my love"

- is very extra and puts the chapstick on his lips then kisses you, so now you have chapstick smeared all over your mouth unevenly
- laughs at your funny face, then apologises and wipes away the extra product

-Will be dramatic and go down on one knee and offer you the chapstick
- "my queen put this on your lips, they will become luscious again" he says acting like some knight.

- will give you his chapstick instead it f yours. It's a wierd way of his to show love, making you use his things
- "you know y/n, I'm not someone to share things, i only give them to my favourite people" he says
- asks for a kiss shyly after you've applied the chapstick

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