when they want your attention

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So you're basically on your damn phone and paying no attention to him especially when it's his day off so he tries to grab your attention

- Doesn't really know what to do so he makes those big doe eyes at you
- suggests you two do something together, trying to not look desperate
- just get a clue y/n damnit
- the type to whine after a bit

- straight up walks to you and tells you to do whatever he wants to do with you, boy doesn't play around, gets straight to the point
- If you're speaking on call, then he'll try to be respectful and not disturb while you're speaking
- but he'll sit beside you and place his head on your lap, making you look at his face, which is already pouting and giving you puppy eyes
- now tell that person on the phone that you have some "work" and get back to your TaeTae😤

- will sit in front of you, pouting, and whine
- "spend time with meeeee y/nnnnnn" you know that tone he always whines in
- will try to take your phone away
- kisses your cheek even when you're looking in the phone, and then looks what you're looking at in your phone

- sighs and tries to read a book instead of getting you to give him attention, but he gives up really quick tho, he wants his y/n
- he's really like a puppy, he'll tap your shoulder, make grabby hands at you, signalling you to lay in his arms
- If not that, he'll hug you from behind and look into your phone, trying to make conversation while kissing you lightly around your head
- now that you're talking to him, it's easy for him to turn your attention to him.
- mission successful!

- "y/nieeeeeeee"
- dances in front of you to get your attention
- when that's not enough, he'll just come and lay on your in an awkward position
- "hope-ah-! What are you doing" you say
- "trying to get you away from your phone!" He says getting comfortable
- you chuckle and keep the phone away, getting in a comfortable position to cuddle with him
- he's got what he wanted now 😏

Min Suga-
- will text you to tell you to keep your phone away while you're using it so that you'll 100% see that mssg and can't ignore him
- says stuff like 'its not good for your health' and stuff but honestly he just wants you to pay attention to HIM
- Will sit REEEEEALLY close to you and put an arm around you casually after a few minutes.
- you smirk, obviously knowing what he wants
- you lean into him and he tightens his grip around your shoulder and looks into your phone
- now you're both looking at cat pictures on your phone together

- "Yah! Y/n-ah! How can you look in your phone when your handsome boyfriend is bored alone?" Literally Scolds you
- very straight forward about it, will play it off cool-ly with his humour
- says some jokes and does some stupid acting just to get your attention and make you laugh
- now that he's got your attention, he asks you to cook with him, one of his favourite activities
- what Jin wants, Jin gets

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