Chapter six | The next day.

Start from the beginning

"Be-because I-

Camila was in fear. She didn't know what to say. She has never seen her mama act this way with her. She was afraid if she said something wrong, her mama was gonna put her In the corner for hours or even worse!

"Because I-I don't wa-want too" she manages to say before hot tears stream down her face.

"There is no need to cry about this. All I'm asking is for you to tell why you don't want to go to school?" Lauren tells her ignoring the girls loud sobs. "I need a better reason , Camila.

When there was no answer from the little girl, Lauren sighs deeply in frustration. Why is her child being so dramatic about going to school?

She walks over to the young girl and kneels down on the floor so she was facing the small girl who was still in tears.

"Are the kids still bothering you?" She questions the girl.

"N-no" Camila whimpers and shakes her head

"Then why? Tell me! I need to know because I'm getting tired of having to deal with you whining about not wanting to go to school every freaking day!" Lauren yells, making the youngster flinch before more tears start to fall down her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry mamá," Camila apologizes, realizing that she had made her mama mad. "I just don't like it there." She wipes her tears with a shaky hand before giving her mama a short glance.

When she sees that her mama has a disappointed look on her face, She steps out bed and starts walking over to the bathroom before closing the door behind her.

She was being a bad girl. Her mama wouldn't want her if she was a bad girl. Right?

Well, atleast that's what Camila thought.


*Later that day* Dinah's POV

"Ready to go, kiddo?" I ask my seven year old

"Yep! I'm ready" she replied, buckling her seat belt.

Today, Mani and I were going to the Zoo. I had promised to take her after school to get some fresh air and to explore a bit.

Today was going to be our third day visiting the Zoo so Mani is pretty exited to go see all the animals especially the Elephants.

"Mama?" I hear Normani ask for me.


"When can we go visit Auntie Lauren and Camila?"

"Well, maybe tomorrow after school would be a good day to go and visit, don't ya think?" I ask

"Yeah, I guess so." She shrugged.

The drive was about twenty minutes away from home. When we finally arrived, I parked my white suv close by the park, that way I wouldn't have to walk to much.

"So, where do you wanna go first, mani?" I question her while tying up her shoe lace.

"Elephants please! They are my favorite" she says with a wide smile.

"I knew you'd want to go there first" I chuckle slightly.

After seeing almost all of the animals, we started to feel hungry so, we went over to the food court to get some pizza for lunch.

"Mama, can we go over to the mini store and buy something" mani asks me pleadingly.

"What do you want but? Toys" I ask, taking a bite of my pepperoni pizza.

"Yeah. Like a stuffed elephant or something. Maybe something for Mila, too."  She tells me

"I guess we could do that but don't you have enough stuffed animals at home?" I whine

"Please mama, pleaseee" she begs, folding her hands together.

"Fine. But just for this time" I warned her

"Thanks mama!" She pulls me for a big hug and hock I reciprocated immediately.

"You're welcome, angel"

*after lunch*

"Come on mani, it's really not that hard."

"But both of them are soo cute! I can't decide"

Normani was having a hard time choosing which stuffed animal to take home with her. She had picked out a little monkey and an elephant which were super adorable if I say so myself.

"Why don't you get the elephant and give Camila the monkey?" I suggest my ten year.

"Or, I could take the monkey and the elephant just for me..." she says trailing off before giving me a smirk.

"Or you could take none of them at all" I say giving her a smirk in return.

"But....fine. I'll take the elephant for me and give Camila the monkey" she sighs with a frown.

"That's my girl." I tell her, giving her a squeeze before speaking again "Remember, sharing is caring"

When her frown doesn't disappear, I bring my hands over to her sides and attack her with tickles without warning making her giggle loudly.

"Mama! Stop. I can't breath" she says trying to pull away from my hold.

"Alright, alright. I'm done." I say throwing my hands up in the air in surrender.

"Come on mama, let's go home I'm tired" she says yawning tiredly.

"Yeah, me too kiddo" I then take her by the hand and lead us both to the cashier.

After we payed for our things we head out and make our way back to the car before taking off to go home.

Today was nice.


Hey 👋 I hope you liked this chapter :)

I will probably update the next chapter later today or tomorrow. Idk yet 🤷‍♀️


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