Chapter 3

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Anna: "Wow, very beautiful."

"Beautiful, my foot. This love is a bullshit thing."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Anna: "Hey don't say that. Ok, are you guys excited to hear my love story?"

Anastasia: "Yes!!!!"


Anna's POV

I was out playing with my friends. Suddenly, someone hit me with a ball. Ouch!

Unknown: "Hey, I am sorry."

"Sorry. Bullshit!"

I looked at the person. He was a boy. It was like the whole world stopped. It's just me and him.

Unknown: "Hello?"

I got pulled out of my trance.


Unknown: "Sorry."

"No problem. What's your name?"

Unknown: "My name is J-Hope."

J-Hope? Nice name.

J-Hope: "What's yours?"

"My name is Anna."

J-Hope: "Nice name."


J-Hope: "Friends?"


He smiled. His smile reminds me of sunshine.

J-Hope: "Bye. Meet you tomorrow."


He went off. I went to my house and went to my bedroom. It's just friendship. Right?

The next morning

I was coming back from school. I had a party with Anastasia and Y/N. It was pretty dark and I was nervous as hell. Suddenly, someone came behind me and kept a handkerchief in my mouth, preventing me from shouting, and took me to a dark alley.

J-Hope: "It's me J-Hope."

"God! You scared me."

J-Hope: "Sorry."

I chuckled.

"It's okay. Why did you bring me here?"

J-Hope: "I just wanted to see you."

"You wanted to see me? You wanted to see my ugly-"

He kissed me, shutting my mouth. I was shocked as hell. My eyes were popping out of the eye socket. He held me by the waist pulling me closer. I was about to give in when I pushed him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

J-Hope: "I am sorry. I couldn't control myself."

I was fuming in anger.

"Shut up!!!! You know what? All the boys are the same."

I started crying.

J-Hope: "Why are you crying? I am sorry."

He started crying. He made me sit on a bench.

J-Hope: "What happened?"

"You cannot kiss me."

J-hope: "Why? I love you."

My heart stopped beating for a second.

"It's because I was raped when I was 15 years of age. You cannot love me."

I was a crying mess. He hugged me.

J-Hope: "I don't care. I love you, that's it. Do you love me?"

"I love you so much."

J-Hope: "I love you so much more than you love me."

I smiled while crying.

J-Hope: "Stop crying, sweetie."

I felt safe in his embrace. He is my comfort place. I love you so much. He mumbled those words in my ear, sending chills down my spine. Butterflies in my stomach.

I wish we could be like this forever.

J-Hope: "Remember, you are the bravest girl I have ever seen. I don't fucking care if you are raped. I promise I will protect you."

"T-Thank you."

J-Hope: "No thank you between lovers."

I smiled and hit his chest playfully.

J-Hope: "My queen is getting shy."


J-Hope: "I am the king, you are my queen."

I chuckled at his words. He dropped me at my house and left. 


THE DANGEROUS DESIRE 🔞 || J.JK FF ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant