80 ❥ epilogue pt.2

Start from the beginning

But more than that, I keep looking up at the sky.

This is gonna be the last time I get to enjoy the outdoors without being in an orange jumpsuit.

Seeing all my friend's happy faces after we just graduated feels bittersweet.

I'm gonna miss them.

All of them.

All of this.

Xander's stupid jokes.

Jesse making fun of Xander's jokes.

Lili's brutal honesty.

Arya's brains.

Ryan's sarcasm.

Axton's maturity.

Cameron's idiocy.

Madison's sass.

And Lina's...everything.

But what's done is done and now I just have to wail till 6 pm.

(After telling Alyssa)

Alyssa and I both freeze when we hear the elevator ding.

I quickly look down at my phone and read the time.

It's exactly 6 pm.


I quickly grab my sister and turn her around so she's facing me.

"Listen to me! I'm so so sorry for lying to you but I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what happens to me. You are strong, beautiful, kind, and the most amazing person God ever put on this earth. Remember that! I love you Alyssa Avalon Phoenix and you are the best sister anyone could ever ask for." I say.

Tears keep streaming down her face.

She doesn't say anything.

Instead, she pulls me in for the tightest hug.

"Asher Phoenix you are under arrest for arson and attempted murder." The cop announces.

Neither Alyssa nor I move though.

We just continue holding onto each other for dear life.

The cops come in and pull her away from me.

I hear her struggling against them and begging them to let her go.

The cop pulls both my hands behind my back and puts the cuffs on.

"I love you." I mouth to my sister.

"ASHER NO!" She screams.

I feel my heart shatter.

I look back and see her on the floor crying.

When the cops walk me back into the house, everyone is staring at me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck! Let go of him!" Xander yells to one of the cops.

"Get the fuck off of him!" Jess adds.

"It's okay guys," I mumble before sending them a small nod.

Their eyes go wide and they continue arguing with the cops.

I keep walking and pass by Axton, Arya, Ryan, Lili...

All of them with their jaws dropped.

"Let go of me! Do you know who I am!" I hear a voice yell.

I look to my left and see my dad struggling against the cop who's trying to cuff him.

His eyes meet mine and he storms over to me.

Suddenly my face flies the other way.

He just punched me in the face.

"You mother fucker! You're a traitor Asher! You are not my son!" He spits.

I don't say anything though, I just stare at him.

Finally, a cop tackles him to the ground and begins to cuff him.

I look at who's standing behind him and see Lina.

Her eyes are full of tears and she looks shocked.

She quickly pulls away from her dad and runs over to me.


"Asher! Why?" She yells.

"I'm doing the right thing, trust me," I mumble.

"But- but."

The cop begins to pull me towards the elevator.

"I love you." I yell out to her.

She tries to follow me but a few cops stop her.

Xander and Jess try to fight their way through the cops as well but they have no luck.

And finally, the elevator doors shut.

Leaving me alone with just my father and a bunch of cops.

I hear my dad muttering a bunch of shit but I just stay quiet.

I just keep replaying all the faces I passed.

Xander and Jesse arguing with the cops.

The girls with their jaws dropped.

Lina's puffy eyes.

Alyssa's screams.

It's something that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Before Lina I was just a spoiled rich kid who used his money to get away from his problems but she taught me that I have to take responsibility for my actions.

To own up to my faults.

So that's what I'm doing.

I committed a crime and now I have to do the time.

Finally, the elevator reaches the lobby, and my dad and I are dragged out of the building towards two cop cars.

The cop puts me in the car.

I let out a gasp when I hear banging on my window.

I see Alyssa banging her fists rapidly on the window and Xander and Jess not too far behind her.

"Asher please! Please don't leave me!" She cries.

"Alyssa," I mumble and try to reach out to her.

But I stop when I realize I still have cuffs on.

The car starts driving off and I watch as Alyssa attempts to chase it down the street but Xander and Jess hold her back.

The three of them fall to the floor holding each other.

I look back in front of me and finally feel my own tears begin to fall.

It's done.

It's over now.

I'm done hurting the ones I love.

All the lies I kept hurt the ones I loved the most.

And now I'm paying the price.

If there's one thing you guys should take away from my story it's that...

Not everyone gets their happy ending.

Especially people like me, people who lie.

-----------Author's Note-----------

There you go ladies and gentlemen!

Young Lies is officially finished!

After many many hours I've spent thinking of ideas and expressing them in this book, this story is officially done.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!



Word Count: 1599

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