75 ❥ the end of one chapter and the beginning of another

Start from the beginning

"You want to drive all the way to Boston and bury her ashes under a random tree?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yes I'm gonna drive to Boston and it's not just a random tree, it's her and my grandfather's special tree," I explained before getting up and putting on my shoes.

"Oh, you're going now?" He asks before getting up and following me down the stairs.

"Today's the only day I have time before finals."

"Let me drive you."

"You want to come?"

"Of course I do! Come on, I'll drive you." He says before grabbing his car keys and walking over towards the elevator.

We both quickly get into his car, stop by my house to grab the urn, and start driving to Boston.

"So what's so special about this tree?" He asks.

"What isn't special about this tree?" I laugh.

I spent the next hour telling him the same story my grandmother told me.

I watch as his face goes through all sorts of emotions.

Xander's a sucker for cheesy romance.

"Their relationship kinda sounds like ours." He laughs.

"That's what I said!"

"That's the type of romance you read in a book or watch in a movie."

"It really is and the fact that he came back after all those years!"

"Swoon!" He sighs before faking a swoon.

We continue talking and singing along to the music that's playing on the radio until we finally get there.

It's around 9 pm by the time we get there.

The last time I was here, my grandma and I left before sundown but now the tree is all lit up.

It is covered in beautiful fairy lights that are blended in with the leaves and branches.

"Wow." Xander gasps as we walk up the hill.

"It's so beautiful." I gasp.

I quickly walk over to the spot where my grandfather is buried and start digging a hole next to it.

My grandmother loved her husband more than anything and now they can finally be together in peace.

Xander helps me dig the hole and I open the urn before pouring the ashes into the hole.

"Goodbye grammy," I murmured.

"Goodbye grammy. May you Rest In Peace." Xander says before we both start to cover up the hole.

After losing almost everyone I've ever loved, for the first time, I finally got to say goodbye.

Xander gets up for a moment and walks over to his car and I grab some nearby flowers to make a bouquet and place it on both graves.

Suddenly I hear "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley begin to play in the distance.

I quickly turn my head and see Xander reach out for me.

I giggle before grabbing his hand.

He pulls me close to him, wraps my arms around his neck, and wraps his arms around my waist.

We start to slow dance next to the gorgeous tree and just enjoy this peaceful moment.

"You are such a hopeless romantic." I laugh.

"Oh, I know." He laughs.

And to think, I could have lost him forever because I was afraid of being hurt again.

Not everyone is like those shitty friends and exes I had.

I know that now.

I have Xander and Ryan, they're my rock.

He begins to move us around the tree and at this moment, I'm in heaven.

Before the song ends, I walk us over to a certain spot down the hill and we just stand there.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"This was the exact spot my grandma and grandpa had their first kiss," I explained.

"Ohhhhh well in that case-" He pulls me to him and smashes his lips onto mine.

I immediately reciprocate and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

Maybe Xander will be my soulmate just like grandpa was with grandma?

He wraps his arms around me and begins to spin us around.

"XANDER!" I shriek as he throws me over his shoulder.

"You ready to go m'lady?" He asks.

"Yeah, I just gotta do one more thing," I say.

He nods before putting me down.

He walks back over to the car and tells me to take my time.

I walk back up the hill and kneel next to her grave.

"Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, for being there for me when I gave up on myself and forcing me not to give up on Xander. I love you grammy and I'll see you soon." I say before getting up and taking one last look at the tree.

I quickly run down the hill and jump into Xander's car.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm perfect." I smile before leaning in and giving him another chaste kiss.

Now that I got to say a proper goodbye, I'm finally ready to move on with my life and start a new chapter.

A new chapter with Xander, the boy I tutored.

The boy I fell in love with.

----------Author's Note----------

Say goodbye to Arya y'all!

Ahh this was such an emotional chapter to write but it made my heart feel whole.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!


Word Count: 1602

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