Part 18 - More Magic!

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As they walked home, George, Nightmare and Napsap were talking ahead of the other two. They were talking about the usual; what they were going to eat for dinner, how many hugs they'd give the pets, how long it would take Good and Jef to get together and more. However, it was quieter behind them as Good was listening to his music whilst scrolling on his phone, and Jef was next to him.

Spaced out, it took Jef a good second before he realised Good had stopped and stretched his hand out, a hopeful expression was painted on his face as if he expected the smaller one to decline. Nonetheless, Jef placed his hand in the taller's soft hand and clasped them together, smiling happily at him. They walked most of the way together in silence, until Good's phone went black and he scoffed.

"What's wrong?"

"Hm? Oh, my phone died. It's okay though, one sec,"

Jef didn't know what he meant, but his silent questions were soon answered as Good's horns began to glow and sparks of magic flew down to his phone and through the charging port. He turned the phone back on and miraculously, it was fully charged!

"Woah!! I wish I could do that!" Jef was amazed at this, making Good smile.

"Wanna see something else I can do?"

"Ooh, show me show me!" Jef bounced like a child.

"Hold still, then," Good warned as his wings stretched out to their full size and he began to float, but not high enough to lift Jef off of the ground.

"Wait, am I going to fly with you?" Jef asked, very excited.

"Yeah, but hold still and keep tight a hold, okay?"

GWF, Nightmare and Napsap were interrupted as Jef's screams could be heard above them. When they looked, they were astounded.

"What the F***!?" George shouted

"Woah, I wanna try!"

"Damn, I knew he could fly but it's still a shock to see!" Nightmare remarked.

They weren't in the air for that long, however, and they soon landed a little while ahead of the others. The holes in Good's cloak from his wings instantly repaired themselves and Jef's arms were still wrapped around Good.

"That. Was. AMAZING!!" Jef shouted, making Good laugh.

"I will admit, that was the first time I've flown in years, I forgot how fun it was!"

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