Part 10 - Surprise!

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"Thank god we're here, I would've started complaining again if we didn't arrive in like, 5 more minutes," Good admitted, "Wait, where even are we?"

"THE BEACH!" Jef shouted excitedly, "I LOVE THE OCEAN!!"

"I know you do, Napsap does too, that's why we came here" George lied.

"Thank you Gogy!" Napsap spoke a bit too loudly.
"Christ, and I was being called a baby earlier." Good mocked them.

"Do you like the beach Good?" Nightmare asked.

"Ehh, I don't mind it..I don't like swimming though." The truth is, Good didn't actually know how to swim, as he was never taught. He didn't want to tell them though, in case they pushed him in to see if he was lying or something, that's what his old friends did anyways.

When they got out of the car, Good's wings spread out again as he went grey with embarrassment.

"Oops," He muttered

"You should show you wings like that more, they look really cool" Nightmare complimented, smiling widely.

"Really? I always thought they looked weird. I must be too used to them," He laughed nervously, " really think they look cool?" He asked again.

"Yes they do, you look better with them out," George agreed before running to catch up with Jef and Napsap, who were almost down by the water already. Good and Nightmare started walking too.

"Are you gonna go in the water?" Good asked Nightmare, wanting to forget about the fact that he had actually just been complimented by GWF.

"Nah, I don't like swimming either, the water will be too cold," He shivered, obviously put off by the thought of it.

"Yeah, me too.." Good lied.

"Y'know, after yesterday with all these new things we found about about you, I realised how interesting you are," Night admitted, "Like, how you have a twin and you're a fallen angel not a demon, not the other stuff" He added quickly after seeing Good's awkward face as he didn't really want to talk about 'the other stuff'.

"Well, you learn something new every day I guess.." He didn't really know what to say so instead he explained, "I figured you wouldn't believe me if I told you I was born an angel, that's why I told you I was white demon. I did want you all to find out eventually though, if you had all researched white demons, you'd find out they don't even exist." He laughed.

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yup, nothing about them is real!" He started laughing again but louder this time.

"So, we all believed you were a species of demon that doesn't exist, just because we assumed you were a demon in the first place because of how mean you were?!" Nightmare was shocked but laughed along too.

Good physically couldn't respond as he was laughing too much so he just nodded his head before needing to grab hold of a fence so he wouldn't fall over. They had reached the others at this point and they were very confused. Nightmare had to explain as Good was now kneeling on the floor in fits of laughter.

"Wait what?!" They responded, completely shocked before turning to Good and seeing him having to get his inhaler out he was laughing that much.

"This is gonna take a long time getting used to, I never did this near you all" He confessed but took the inhaler anyway, closing his eyes so nothing would make him laugh again.

"Well, we don't mind, my mother has asthma so I'd say I'm somewhat educated on it." Napsap smiled.

"Yeah, one of my old friends did too," Nightmare added.

GBH smiled back at them both, glad they could understand. He stood up again so the others wouldn't have to look down to him.

"Your teeth are really sharp," George observed.

"Yeah, it's a demon quality I think" He explained, pocketing his inhaler and looking up again.

"Are your eyes also a demon thing?" Jef always wanted to ask about his deep black eyes and now was a perfect opportunity.

"Yup.." He went into thought for a minute, preparing himself before asking, "Actually, can I show you something?"

"Of course!" Jef responded as the others nodded their heads, intrigued to see what else they would find out about him. Slowly, Good lifted his hand next to his face as sparks left his fingertips and travelled to his left eye (their right), where the black colour vanished and out came a neon red coloured iris and a white pupil shaped like a cat's. Once he was done he quickly looked down again, afraid of their reactions. However, they all marvelled at the bright colour, and he received many 'wows'.

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