Part 5 - The Backstory

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For the rest of the night, none of them could really find conversation but Bad and Skeppy, so the Nightmare Team remained silent, waiting for Good to wake up. Bad teleported him upstairs and tried some magic to speed his recovery up, but he didn't want to use too much so it wouldn't tire him out too.

As the sky turned dark, everyone retreated to their rooms but sleep was hard. Eventually, everyone dozed off but Jef, who was too afraid to sleep knowing Good wasn't doing okay. He slipped into Good's room and looked at the demon asleep. He was very calm, it didn't look like he was going to wake up soon. Jef went over and joined Good in his bed. He wouldn't mind, right? He eventually fell asleep, embracing Good's warm atmosphere and quiet breaths reassuring him he was okay.

Bad woke up first, quietly making his way to Good's room to check on him, but instead he found Jef asleep, cuddling him. "Awwww, this is too cute to disturb" He muttered to himself as he left the room again. He went downstairs to make breakfast for everyone to say thank you for letting him stay the night with them. Once the pancakes were done, Skeppy must've heard as he came downstairs and hugged Bad.

"Good morning muffin head" He chuckled at the clingy diamond boy.

"Morning" He muffled in response.

After around 5 minutes, the others woke up and came downstairs where they were greeted with pancakes and many good mornings off of Bad and Skeppy.

"You're quite the opposite of Good, you know. He'd never do this for us, not even say good morning!" Nightmare laughed, reminiscing when everything was normal, and nobody was anticipating the tall boy to finally wake up.

"What can I say, we are opposites after all" Bad smiled.

George was particularly quiet this morning, probably after what happened yesterday, Napsap thought to himself.

"It's not your fault George. I mean, you probably shouldn't have brought that up but there was no way you could've thought that would happen. Nobody knew how tired he was, or that he had asthma or anxiety, it couldn't have been predicted." He reassured him.

"I guess so...but I still feel bad. We argue all the time but he's never reacted like that, because I've never brought up his childhood."

"If you don't mind me asking Bad, what did happen when you were kids to make him react like that?"
"Oh, I don't mind at all! Well, when we were born, I was born a demon, and he was an angel-"

"What?!" Nightmare gasped, "Good was a born angel?"

"Yup, you probably thought he was a demon huh. Well, not all angels are sweet, and not all demons are evil I guess. Anyways, our mother passed when we were around 5 and since then, our father took out his anger on us. He was very abusive, and eventually sold us to these scientists when we were 7, where we were put in a lab to be tested on." Bad froze for a minute and Skeppy took his hand. This was obviously a touchy subject. "I wasn't strong enough to fight back so I kept quiet and did what I was told. Good however was stubborn, refused to take orders and fought with them alot, physically, I mean. I was always favoured by the scientists. When we were around 11, an experiment went wrong, where they tried to turn us into humans so we couldn't use our now developed magic against them. One of the scientists must have mixed up the potions and we took the wrong ones, meaning I took the angel one and Good took the devil one. Because of this, I became what you would call an ascended demon, gaining a halo and black angel wings. Good on the other hand became a fallen angel, gaining horns and white demon wings. Another spell must've gone wrong on him and eventually, his horns started growing at an irregular speed, until they reached his halo and it shattered."

"So..he doesn't have one anymore?" George asked
"Nope, that must be why you all thought he was a demon. Angel wings and demon wings aren't that different so it wouldn't have been that easy to notice."
"I always thought his horns looked irregularly large," Napsap added, "Is that why his magic that comes out of his horns is really strong? I watched you perform magic yesterday and it came out of your hands, horns and halo quite equally, but Good's magic always seems to come out of his horns, and when it comes out of his hands it's only when he picks things up, or opens doors and stuff."

"Yeah, he always used the magic from his horns to begin with but I guess when his halo shattered, they must've absorbed the lost magic." Bad suggested.

They all were quiet for a few minutes before they heard a shout from upstairs.

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