Part 11 - Revealed..

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"That's really cool!" He heard Jef say as he moved closer to get a better look, Good refusing to let his eyes off the ground until he moved back.

"Why is your eye that colour?" Napsap asked.

"To be honest, Napsap, I have no clue." GBH admitted, moving his hand to the back of his neck, which he noticed was very hot. As he slightly winced at the heat, George took notice of this, and asked, "If you're that hot, why don't you take your hood off?" Making the others' eyes widen. Bold move is what they were all thinking.

"Of course...I won't! Are you stupid or dumb?" He spat out jokingly, but not realising his spiteful tone which caused an ounce of anger to rise in George.

"Hey, I was just joking! Calm down you freak." He retorted, receiving glances off the others and a very angry fallen angel.

"Back off! You know I can't control my anger, and I was just joking too you know! You've known about my anger since we were kids! I don't think you want to be hurt, right? Well I suggest you lay off George!" He shouted.

"You know what? You're lucky I don't push you in the water right now b****! I won't hesitate!"

Good went still at this, he didn't want to end up in the ocean when he can't swim. He knew he shouldn't retaliate but he couldn't suppress his anger, so he argued back, "You wouldn't dare!" His voice seemed even deeper than normal.

"Maybe I wouldn't, but I'd do this!" And before he could react, George reached for Good's hand with one hand and his hood with the other, pulling it off.

"WHAT THE F*** GEORGE!" He yelled, not even bothering to put his hood back on but pushing George to the ground and running away instead, Jef going after him.

"Low blow George" Napsap added before running too.

"Just as we thought you were being nice.." Nightmare's voice trailed off as he joined the bandwagon of running after Good.

JefHalo Story (DISCONTINUED!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora