Part 2 - Being Watched

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It was early in the morning, and Good got up early again, despite not sleeping for long. He took a quick shower and got dressed, stroking his cat goodbye before putting on his signature cloak and heading out of his room. When he got downstairs, he slipped on his boots, summoned his bag he forgot upstairs over his shoulders and left the house silently. However, he didn't go unnoticed.

Noticing Good was gone every morning, Jef decided he would spy on him to find out where he was going. He started this a few days ago, but he didn't know what time Good actually woke up, and seemed to miss him every day. Today, however, he got up around the same time as Good and managed to sneak downstairs whilst he was having a shower so he could hide.

As it turned out, Good didn't notice the orange boy as he began his walk. Jef followed him for what seemed like forever before Good finally stopped in a field full of small flowers. He sat down, took his bag off and took out one of the sketchbooks Jef discovered when in Good's room for the first time (^). He conjured up a pencil and began to draw, whilst oblivious to Jef hiding behind a tree close by, watching the taller boy draw.

When Good came here to draw, he didn't really plan what he was doing, it was like he got lost in a train of thought whilst his creativity poured something out onto the page. Yet, his train of thought was disturbed today, as Jef wasn't being careful enough and caught himself on his own foot, almost falling over. If he was watching Nightmare or George, they probably wouldn't have heard this, but Good had spectacular hearing and heard everything. Snapping his head around, he spat out confused words as he was startled, "W-who's there?!"

Because his thoughts were interrupted, he was now aware of the being he could sense near him. "I know you're there, I can feel you."


Jef forgot he could do that, and figured if Good knew someone was there, he'd find them eventually so there was no point in hiding. He slowly emerged from behind the tree, much to Good's surprise.

"Jef?? Why are you here?" After a moment's silence, he continued,"Have you been following me?? What a way to invade my privacy, geez." Jef couldn't tell if Good was angry or not, but went and sat next to him on the field. He looked at Good's drawing and was amazed. "That's so realistic!" He spurted out. The drawing in front of him was Rat, Good's cat.

In response, Good closed the sketchbook, put it away with the pencil and got up, making it clear he wasn't going to talk to him as he hadn't even looked at him since Jef sat down.

He started to walk but was quickly stopped by Jef's hand, who was now standing up and behind him. Good snatched his hand away and continued to walk away, leaving Jef and his guilt behind. He wasn't angry, per say, just confused as to why Jef hadn't just asked to tag along, instead of spying on him. Living in a house of 4 others didn't provide much privacy, so Good liked to soak in every opportunity he received to be alone, but would've gladly let Jef join him if he just asked. Was he that difficult to approach? Feeling tired, due to a lack of sleep and a lot of walking and crowded thoughts, he just teleported himself home and reached his room. He kicked his boots off and chucked his bag on the floor, collapsing onto his chair at his computer desk, before downing a whole energy drink and sighing. Rat jumped onto his lap and he started to stroke her.

"Hi Rat, I'm not doing too good right now." She nuzzled into Good's stomach, proving how small she was compared to the tall boy. "What would I do without you?" He sighed again before smiling and laughing. He opened another can but Rat pawed at his hand, indicating him to put it down. After protesting against the stubborn cat, he admitted defeat and figured he should go downstairs to get some actual food.

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