Part 3 - Panicking

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He ran downstairs, wanting to get his food quickly so human contact could be as minimal as possible. Bad idea. As his breath ran short, he took out his inhaler, looked to see if anyone could see and had 2 puffs before putting it back in his cloak pocket. Did anyone know he had asthma? No. Was he ashamed of it? Kind of. He didn't think anyone would react badly, he just thought if they knew, they'd probably make him stop doing manhunts, one of his favourite video ideas. Although he knew for a fact his asthma only started getting worse as the manhunts increased, he didn't want to stop. George was in the living room, and had heard muffled sounds from the kitchen but couldn't catch what it was. "Is that you, Night?"

"No, it's Good, I've just come for food" He replied, irritated that it was George of all people to be in the other room. George, on the other hand, was eager to start a rise up in the taller one as he got up and went to the kitchen. "Well, look who's finally left his room. Finally ready to talk after what, 2 days of not speaking to us?"

"Shut up George, you know for a fact I didn't want to speak to you all because you were being annoying, as always." He replied sarkly; he really didn't want to put up with him. George finished his sandwich and left the room, purposefully knocking into Good and smiling at himself. "No wonder your dad didn't want you."

Tension grew.
"What did you say?!" Good yelled, slamming his hand on the bench and leaving the room to follow George. Due to the uproar, Napsap and Nightmare both left their rooms and raced downstairs, followed quickly by Jef, who had eventually come home and hid in his room.

"You heard me, no wonder your dad didn't want you, that's why he sold you away."
The others gasped.

"What?" They were confused, none of them knew what George was talking about as none of them knew much of Good's backstory. However, George used to be Good's best friend when they were children and knew everything.

Good's heart sank as he heard what left George's mouth. He immediately started to tremble, his arms dropping to his side and he now felt incredibly exposed. His breathing started to increase as he panicked more and more, before reaching a full panic attack, breaking down as he relived the trauma of his childhood. He fell to his knees and sobbed for the first time in years and everyone just froze and watched him.

"Good!" Jef was the first to speak, racing to his side and taking Good's hands off his face in an attempt to calm him down. Sparks started rising from his horns and the ground faced little tremors, his dark magic showing.

Good was sobbing at this point, fumbling around in his pocket for his inhaler due to his lack of controlled breathing and far too distraught to care about the others seeing at this point. The others were even more shocked, did he have asthma too? They pushed this aside as both Nightmare and Napsap went to help Jef calm him down, George just standing there and watching him, ashamed in himself for what he had done. He didn't realise Good could break down like this.

Good started to calm down, very slowly, black tears still streaming down his face. His throat ached.

"It's alright Good, you're okay" Napsap tried to calm him down.

He felt exhausted as he cried and cried until there were no tears left. He felt lightheaded and eventually collapsed to the ground. Napsap let out a little shriek, "George, stop standing there like a fool and help us get him up!"

"C-coming" he spoke quickly as he came over, reluctantly, to help.

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