Part 4 - Surprise Visit

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"Was that an asthma attack and a panic attack?" Nightmare asked, "I didn't know he even had asthma!"

"We didn't either, he must've been scared to tell us or something.." Jef spoke quietly, holding Good in his arms so he wouldn't hit the floor and cause further damage.

"Do we know anyone who can help?" Napsap asked.

"I know someone, he knows Good quite well" Jef responded.

"Can you ring him?" Enquired Nightmare, who had been passed Good whilst Napsap made sure he was still breathing okay.

"Yeah, one sec." Jef pulled out his phone and went to his contacts, where he found their number and started a call.

Bzzz Bzzzzz. Bzzz Bzzzzz.

"Hello?" Rung a man's voice through speaker-phone.

"Hi Bad, um, there's a bit of a problem to do with Good."

"Oh, is he okay?" The man's voice was higher than Good's, but still sounded very similar. He seemed quite concerned, clearly he knew him well.

"Well, something was brought up about..your past"
"Uh-oh, that already sounds bad. What happened?"

"He started having what I presume was a panic attack, which then set off his asthma and he's now unconscious. Is there a way you can help?"

"O-oh! Yes of course! I'll be there soon, keep an eye on him okay?"

"Alright, see you soon Bad"

"See you.."


"Who was that?" Napsap asked, curious to know.

"Umm..I don't think Good has told you this yet but uh, that was his brother, twin brother actually.."

"WHAT??" The others gasped, they had no idea Good had a brother, nevermind a twin! He had never mentioned his family, which is pretty obvious now. Only Jef and George knew of his brother Bad.


After about 10 minutes of uncomfortable silence as the Nightmare Team waited with Good, they finally heard noise outside and when Jef got up, he confirmed it was Bad. The Team were in a bit of a surprise to see Bad, he and Good were identical except for colour, as Good was all white and cyan, whereas Bad was fully black and red. Also to their surprise, a man was with Bad who was a complete clone of Jef, but wore blue not orange.

As soon as the door opened, Bad rushed inside, before saying, "Where is he?"

"He's over here" Nightmare directed the demon.

"Oh god, he looks ill!" The blue boy remarked as Bad ran to his brother's side.

"Way to state the obvious Skeppy" Jef replied sarcastically.
"Oh, hey Jef! I couldn't see you, I think you've shrunk!" Skeppy laughed at him.

"Shut up! We're literally twins, if I'm short, you are too."
"You have a twin too?!?" The Team certainly were learning a lot about the pair they didn't know beforehand.

"Surprise I guess" Jef shrugged it off, focusing on the problem at hand. "Do you know what to do Bad?"

"Well, I've just checked his magic and his health, it seems he was just exhausted to begin with, so having a panic attack so bad that it set off his asthma would've definitely caused him to pass out. Just give him some time to rest and he'll be fine eventually. Things similar to this have happened before with Good actually, around about the time he was diagnosed with both anxiety and asthma." He revealed.

"All this new information is making my brain hurt" Napsap quietly murmured, making the others laugh.

"Well, when he wakes up, I think he'll be a bit angry to know that the one time you actually came over is when he's unconscious, so do you want to stay until he wakes up? There's a spare room upstairs with two beds if you want to stay too" He directed towards Bad and Skeppy.

"Oooh, like a sleepover!" Skeppy exclaimed, thrilled to get a break from working.

"I guess, let me message Dream to tell him we're staying. Also, I remembered something was strange about this world, I forgot everyone's opposites lived here." He laughed.
"Opposites? Wait, do you come from the world we were taught about in school? The one everyone says is a myth?" George asked sceptically. He never believed the rumour, but thought it would be cool if an alternate world actually existed.

"Yup, that's the one. But, Jef and Good were transported here when we were all just children. An experiment must've gone wrong with Good I guess."

"Experiment?" Napsap was confused by the terminology he had used.
"Shoot. Uhh, forget I said anything!" Bad said hastily.

"If you say so" Nightmare said, not sure whether to be cautious of the two or not. After all, one of them was Good's twin, who apparently comes from another universe. He knew magic existed, Good is a literal demon and Jef is half pumpkin, but this was all a bit too much for him. 

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