Chapter five | Kindergarten.

Start from the beginning

A few weeks ago, one of the boys had pushed her down the hall way, making Camila scrape her right knee. Thankfully it wasn't that severe for her to need stitches but, it was still pretty bad.

Long story short, Lauren was not very happy with what happened to her little one.

After making sure everyone was comfortable in their sleeping bags, I went over to turn off all the lights and then go back to my chair to finish some missing work I had to catch up on.


2:30 PM.

Lauren's POV.

The bell was about to ring any second now.

Thank God.

I couldn't wait for class to be over so I could go and get my little girl from kindergarten. I've missed her all day.

"So remember guys, I want everyone to do pages ten through twelve for homework okay?" I instruct my fifth graders.

"Yes Ms. Jauregui" they all say, packing up all of their belongings.

The bell finally rings and they all say their goodbyes to me before heading out the classroom. "See you guys tomorrow"

I start packing up all of my things into my black Nike backpack. I then zip it it up before tossing it over my shoulder.

When I turn to leave I see that one of my students is still in the classroom.

"Olivia? What are you still doing here?" I ask her confused on why she was just sitting in her desk.

"Ms. Jauregui I-I

"What is it sweetheart? It's okay you can tell me" I assure her, taking a seat beside her.

She takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Ms. Jauregui I can't go home because my mom can't pick me up." She tells me looking down.

"Why not?" I simply ask.

"Because she...she has work all night."

"Then how did you get home before?" I ask, lifting her chin up so she could look at me.

"Waking. But I-It's raining hard today and I-I don't-she cuts herself off before busting into tears.

"Shhh, hey it's okay you don't have to cry" I say comforting her. "I can take you home. It's no biggie."

"Really? She sniffles.

"Of course sweetheart, it's really no big deal" I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thank You Ms. Jauregui." She says before attacking me into a hug.

"Woah! You're welcome sweetheart" I tell her with a chuckle then wrapping my arms around her softly.

"Come on" I say pulling away from the hug. "Let's get going" I take her by the hand and lead us both out the classroom the locking the door before walking down the school halls.

"How far away do you live baby?"

"I think like ten minutes" she tells me.

"Okay angel" I say giving her hand a slight squeeze.

When we stepped out of the building, it was still raining pretty hard just like Olivia had told me. I opened up the back car door for Olivia to get inside.

I help her buckle up before getting into the car myself. I buckle up and then turn on my car engine.

"Ready to go Sweetheart?" I ask Olivia from the rear view window.

My angels. (Fifth Harmony)Where stories live. Discover now