By the time the joint had burnt down and we had to kill it, we were all giggling over something small on a field in the night.

Mike still hadn't let go of the idea that getting into trouble was what he wanted to do. The same way Billie hadn't let go off the birthday tiara on his head. And yet I, was still dreading what trouble Mike actually had in mind. Because up until now, I had realised. 'Trouble' is a very vague word.

"So what exactly did you wanna go do?" Tre asked, staring over at Mike. Tre looked half asleep, but bearing in mind he did hog the joint for the majority of it.

Mike tapped his chin in an order to mean he was thinking. Humming slightly as his eyes flickered around in the dark. "I say we go rob some beers,"

"No thanks," I mumbled, hands up in surrender.

"What? Why not?" The birthday boy pouted.

"Because I tend to whitey when alcohol is involved with dope,"

"Alright. No beers," Mike decided. Having being the leader of deciding what havoc we should cause on the fourth of May. "I don't want anyone whiteying,"

"Not to mention last time y/n whiteyed, it wasn't pretty," Billie giggled immaturely.

Bringing up the memory of the time I was throwing up in Tre's kitchen mop bucket after thinking my body would appreciate mixing a full joint and shots of vodka.

"I don't think it was my throwing up in the mop bucket that made it such an ugly scene Billie Joe," I mumbled, a chuckle in my laugh indicating I was about to spin the tables on him. "More so when you forgot, and tried using the mop,"

"Now that was the unpretty part," Tre snorted.

"Glad you can laugh about it now," Mike smiled. The smile that meant he was causing his trouble already. "Seeming as you were very angry the rest of the night,"

"Well y/n's sick was mopped around on my floor!" He protested.

"I think that should be a good reason why we should skip the trouble tonight," I breathed out. "I think we cause another trouble with out even trying,"

Mike huffed. I must've seemed very boring to the three boys right now. "Can we at least get a birthday cake?"


Back from a short walking trip to the closest convenient store, Billie held in its box a large cake. Just a plain cake with white fondant over it. With that stupid tiara still on his head. In one of Tre's hands was a pack of candles. In the other was a small tube of red icing. In my hands was the thankfulness of not being in trouble. And lastly, on Mikes face there was a smile. As he swayed walking while we retrieved back to where we was originally sat on the grass field.

"I actually prefer cake to trouble I think," Mike shrugging, presumably thinking out loud.

"I prefer cake to anything," Tre agreed... kinda.

Billie hummed for a second. "I don't know. Causing a little mishap would've been fun,"

"Cakes also fun?" I pointed out. "And it's trouble free,"

"Well it's not free free. Trouble is however free,"

My eyes rolled. "I don't know what you're complaining for Armstrong. It didn't come out of your pocket,"

"We've got a couples spat going on here," Tre giggled.

Mike pointed a finger to me, then moving it to Billie. "No lovers tiffs on my birthday,"

"We're not lovers Mike." I exhaled. My arms folding together over my chest. "Or a couple Tre,"

Billies voice grumbled from behind. "You say that for someone that looks quite comfortable in my jacket,"

"Because it's cold,"

"It's May,"

"And? It's night. And nights cold,"

Finally we sat back down into a small little excuse of a circle. Billie opened the box pulling out the large plain cake that was on a silver disposable cake board. We flattened the box, or Tre did, placing the cake board with the cake above it.

"Honours," Tre grinned, passing Mike the small tube of frosting.

Mike couldn't help but beam with joy taking it. "I'm still pretty high, so this might look scrawly,"

"C'mon Dirnt your writings scrawly anyway," Billie laughed.

My eyes focused to Mikes hands as he took the lid of the tube. Concentration face on as his hands shakily wrote with the red frosting above the cake. In the dark too, our only light supply was Tre's phone torch.

'HB 2 ME'

I chuckled looking at the short message. "That's all you wanna add to it?"

"I mean- I didn't wanna refer to myself in third person... that'd be weird, plus I didn't have the effort,"

Tre began piercing around the message with the candles out the recently opened packet. Placing them carefully through the white fondant. After he fit the majority of the packet on there, he looked to us. "Whose got a light?"

"I have," Billie spoke, attempting to put his hands into a pocket of a jacket until the great realisation hit him he wasn't wearing one. His high eyes flickered over to me.

I smiled like an idiot remembering, before feeling through the jacket pockets. And he was right, I had successfully found one in which I tossed to Tre.

Tre sparked up the lighter, but abruptly stopped as Billie panicked.

"Wait!" Billie Joe threw his hands up quickly. As the flame died from the lighter. He quickly took his two hands removing the birthday girl tiara from his head.

Mike was smiling already as he realised what Billie was about to do. Placing it on the top of the birthday boys head.

"Alright." Billie nodded. "All set,"

So one by one, Tre lit up each candle as he slowly went around the cake with Billie Joes lighter. Mikes hand written birthday message 'HB 2 ME' shown from the light of each candle flames.

And as tradition came. There was the birthday song.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" We all began. No respect for the outside as we let the wind carry our loud voices. "Happy birthday dear Micheal! Happy birthday to you!"

Mike took a deep breath, before blowing across the cake as each birthday candle died. And the three of us cheered.

Four teenagers sat on a field. One celebrating a birthday. One with out his jacket. One with that so called persons jacket. And one already lighting up another joint.

"Another one Tre?" Billie questioned.

And all of us admittedly high.

But happy.

"What did you wish for?" I asked, looking over to the Birthday boy as his tiara tilted on his head.

He grinned, eyes moving to Tre. "Another joint,"

Billie Joe Armstrong one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora