Alternative Direction To Version One: Part 1

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Standing from the bed, her legs felt useless beneath her, but Madeline pushed through, using the railing to hold herself up as she walked down the stairs. Elijah was waiting for her, his conversation with her dad cut short as they sat on the couch together.

When Madeline held out the letter, and he noticed there were more than a few words- that one simple question- written down, he gave her a quick glance, then walked passed her through the kitchen where he mom was starting dinner. The screen door leading to the back yard closed behind him, and Madeline dropped herself into the spot on the couch Elijah just occupied.

She thought about going back upstairs to finally take that shower, but Madeline knew very well her shaking legs wouldn't make the trip a second time.

"What the hell's going on?" Her dad asked beside her.

Madeline didn't want to reveal everything. Didn't want to feel like the one who chased him away. But it was better to do now, rather than wait three months when her heart completely and utterly belonged to him, only to have him take it with him when he left.

"There were things I needed to say to him, but didn't want to do it out loud. I ended up getting a little carried away," Madeline admitted.

"This isn't about what I said earlier, is it?" He asked. "I was only teasing."

There'd been many teasing words, starting as soon as her parents discovered him in her bed. Yet, all those words pushed her a little bit closer to the truth. Once those words were written on the paper, all she could see were her parents teasing words becoming a reality. Moments played in her head like a movie not yet written.

"It isn't about that," Madeline false reassured.

It was a few minutes later when Elijah walked back into the house. The letter hung loosely between his fingertips, his eyes remaining on the piece of paper until he entered the room. "You still haven't asked me," he said, barely above a whisper.

Madeline was well aware she hadn't spoken the words she was meant to say in the letter. "By the time I wrote everything out, I wasn't sure if I should ask anymore."

The letter dropped from his loose grasp, and fluttered to the floor between them. "That's up to you. It depends which one you're most afraid of."

Immediately, she knew the answer to that. As much as her heart was already beginning to long for him, his friendship was one she couldn't bare to lose. "I want you to stay. I'm asking you to stay."

A smile finally took over his lips, his eyes reaching hers for the first time since he'd walked into the room. "Then I will."

When her father stood from the couch, Madeline only noticed it from the corner of her eye, her stare unwilling to leave his.

"Somebody mind telling me what in the sam hell I'm missing here?"

A quiet chuckle left his lips as Elijah turned to her dad. "Madeline wants me stay, so I am. And now that she asked her question, I can ask mine. Can I take your daughter on a date tomorrow night?"

"You're serious," Madeline muttered, not sure if she spoke it as a question or realization. Stars. She was legit seeing stars right now.

Elijah knelt down in front of her, pushing his way through the stars blurring her vision, and took his hand in hers. "Did you honestly think that letter was going to freak me out?"

"Kind of, yeah," Madeline admitted.

There was a quiet laugh, and he rubbed his thumb against her hand. "If you'd told me you were deeply in love with me after less than twenty-four hours, then yes, I would have freaked out. But you telling me you know me sticking around will lead to falling in love with me...You said in your letter you didn't have a choice, and something tells me I don't either. So we'll start off with a date, and see where it goes from there."

Madeline sucked in a breath between her parted lips, unable to look or think of anything besides the man in front of her. There was a brief moment where her beating heart paused, only to nearly beat out of her chest the next. Warmth infused her insides, while her skin tingled and hairs stood on end.

"I think I'll just go ahead and make myself scarce," her dad said, before speaking only to Elijah, "and in case you haven't figured it out, you have my permission to take my daughter out. I'd say don't break her heart, but I don't see you making that mistake again."

Elijah's eyes left hers to look at her dad standing from the couch. "Your daughter's heart is the one thing I'm incapable of breaking, Mitch. It matter's too damn much to me."

"Maybe someday, after she's finished college, you'll be calling me 'dad'. In case you didn't figure that out yet, you have my permission in regards to that, too."

"One step at a time," Elijah told him.

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