𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒮𝒾𝓍: 𝒲𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂

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Elijah: I got to Jay's, but the snow's picked up, and the plows haven't gone through yet. I'm going to be stuck here for a while.

Elijah: I'm sorry, Maddie, but I don't think I'm getting out of here tonight. It sucks, but there isn't anything I can do about it. Go to sleep, and I'll try to make it back in the morning before I have to go to work.

Those were the texts she'd turned the lights off to after messaging him back a 'goodnight' and 'stay safe'. Still, it was hours before tiredness overtook her, her brain unwilling to shut itself off. All she could think about was his hands against her skin, no longer the touch of her longest and dearest friend. The way his voice was like its own caress as he told the story of their future Christmas together. The way his breath shifted and his heart raced when she'd touched his bare skin.

Once sleep did win out, it was plagued by vivid dreams of him. He'd come home to her in the middle of the night, his body warm as he hovered over her, despite the frigid temperature outside.

His hands no longer held back. When he caught her shirt, rather than tug it back into place, it slipped beneath the fabric, exploring her stomach and chest. Elijah's mouth hovered over hers, but hadn't closed the distance until his hand shifted downwards beneath her pants. That's when he kissed her with brute strength and rough need. There was no hesitance on his lips, tongue, or his fingers as he brought her to a quick climax.

When Madeline awoke, her body damp with sweat and shaking, it was nearing four in the morning, with another text from Elijah waiting for her from an hour before.

Elijah: I think Jay just figured out why I never crash at anyone's place, and never let anyone crash at mine. This is going to be a long ass night. I wish I'd just figured out a way to get back home to you.

Madeline wished for that, too. It was no longer snowing out, and she could hear the plows in the distance, paving a path for him to find his way back.

I don't sleep well without you, either. The bed just feels cold and empty. I wish you were next to me.

Her brain kicked in just after she pressed 'send', realizing how that must have sounded. Of course, Madeline meant it that way, but until they talked about what both of them felt, it seemed like jumping the gun. That, and Madeline absolutely wasn't used to being this forward.

Elijah: You had to say it, didn't you? Fuck it. I'll be home soon.

Once Madeline read the message a second time, she rushed to the bathroom to wash away the smell of sweat and arousal from her body, keeping her hair pulled up so it didn't get wet. She dried herself off the best she could, then slid beneath the heavy blanket.

It was a half an hour later when the front door closed, and Madeline heard the unzipping of a coat. Within moments, she heard him come into the dark room.

"You still awake?" Elijah's voice whispered.

Madeline turned at the words, barely seeing more than a shadow of his form, but did see enough to know he took off his pants in a struggle, leaving his boxers on before crawling into bed next to her.

His body felt frozen to the bone, but Madeline wasn't tensing at the intrusion of temperature. "You made it back to me."

His lips smiled against her temple. "I'll always find my way back to you, M&M. There could be a tornado outside, and if you tell me you want me there with you, I'll make it happen."

Madeline took his cold hand and placed it against her heated stomach, beneath the fabric of her shirt. "You're freezing."

"And you're warm," Elijah countered, a light tease in his voice, placing another kiss just a little lower than the first. When he spoke again, there was no lightness to his voice. "So fucking warm."

Brighter Than The Stars: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now