Alternate 2.2

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The kiss was silent, like its own unspoken secret. Gentle, like the sway of a dance. Elijah's lips parted her own, and kissed her back with the slightest tremble that caused her own body to quiver and a whimper to escape her mouth.

The whimper pulled Elijah out of his trance, and her body was pressed against flat against the bed as he crawled above her, his green eyes bearing deep into her soul. "Tell me this is okay," he demanded before pressing his forehead against hers. "Tell me I can have you."

Madeline had imagined this moment, dreamed about this moment, for nearly two weeks. How it would feel to have him want her like this. "I've been yours the second you stepped back into my life."

It was the only confirmation he needed to kiss her with a sort of desire she'd never felt from another person; a desire she'd never felt within herself. His mouth parted hers lips and his tongue trailed across the opening, before entering to devour her. He kissed her with desperation, and a love unwavering. He tried muffling her whimpers, but there was no point. Madeline was in a complete bliss that couldn't be contained.

The way his mouth felt as it moved against hers. The way his tongue dominated her. The way his hand felt dragging across her side. The way his erection felt pressed against her. Never in a million years could she imagine something so pure, so perfectly seductive, and so absolutely right. The North Star on his chest was a reminder that she'd always been with him, until the time finally came when they could have each other back, just like this.

Madeline tugged at his pajama bottoms, which he freed himself from without a second thought, kicking them down the remainder of the way, as his green eyes studied her. "We don't have to-"

"I know," she told him. Elijah wouldn't pressure her to move so quickly, but they'd been dancing around this with small, intimate moments they'd brushed off as being innocent. She needed this part of him to belong to her. More than that, she needed to give this part of herself to hiim. "But I want to. I mean, if you don't-"

"I do," Elijah cut her off. "But this isn't just about wanting you Maddie. I fucking need you. I need you in every way imaginable."

The need for one another was two-sided. Inevitable. Written in the stars.

Madeline dragged her hand across his face, watching as he placed a kiss on her thumb. "I'm already yours. I always have been."

He placed another kiss on her finger, then one on her palm. When his eyes looked down at the red on her wrist, he fought the darkness and pressed his lips there too. "Undress for me, dream catcher. I want to see you."

After letting out a hard swallow, Madeline closed her eyes and pulled her tank top over her head, feeling the cool air nip at her bare skin, and dropped the fabric to the ground. She expected his hands. Instead, his weight lifted off the bed, and she opened her eyes to see him turning the lock on her bedroom door. Then, he went over to his jeans from earlier, pulled out his wallet from the back pocket, and opened it until he had a condom in hand.

They were going to do this. She was going to have Elijah in the way she'd been dreaming about for over a week. Not only did she have him back in her life, but she was about to have all of him. And all of him was absolute perfection. There he stood, completely naked in her childhood bedroom, the street lamps from outside her window illuminating his masculine form.

Madeline's tongue darted out to lick her lips as her gaze fell in a place she couldn't help but stare at. Even as he moved to draw closer to her, crawling on top of the bed to rid her of her own bottoms, her eyes could look at only one thing. The man must have been sculpted by the gods. As much as she looked forward to having Elijah completely, she was also slightly dreading what this would do to her.

Brighter Than The Stars: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now