Chapter 80: Long-Awaited Reunion

Start from the beginning

Selena leans back, staring at the now-destroyed project with wide eyes. She's so confused as to where that ball came from. The Cobra Kais laugh in the background and Hawk approaches the scene. "Oh, pfft... I'm sorry, man," he mockingly apologizes, catching the ball someone tosses to him. "Looks like my ball just got away from me," he claims. Selena glares at him, feeling the anger brewing inside her. She shoots up from her seat and stands in between the two boys. "You realize how childish you're acting, right? Leave. Before I lose it," she spits, glaring daggers at Hawk.

He doesn't respond, only stares back at her with a hard expression. "That took me three weeks to build," Demetri frustratedly pipes up, glaring at the mohawked boy. Hawk rips his eyes away from Selena to look at him. He's glad he did, he doesn't know how much longer he could've faked his angry expression with the girl. "Eh, took my ball three seconds to destroy," he retorts, smirking devilishly before going back to his table. "Do you have another one?" Yasmine suddenly speaks up. What kind of question is that? Selena thinks.

All of a sudden, Demetri decides to stand up to his former best friend. "Another week, another pissing contest," he voices, following Hawk. "Although I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much," he pokes fun. Ooo, Selena thinks. At that moment, Sam joins the table and sees Demetri and Hawk's confrontation. "You landed one kick. You got lucky," the spiky-haired boy fires back as he and his fellow cultists march up to the tall boy. Selena and Sam walk over and stand on either side of Demetri.

This is exactly what Selena wanted to avoid but she feels the need to stand up for her friend. Once again, Cobra Kai is stirring conflict. "I told you to leave," she menacingly states, her eyes burning holes into Hawk. "Or you won't be lucky," Sam adds, crossing her arms. Hawk ignores Selena and scoffs at Sam before his eyes land on Counselor Blatt, who's lurking in the background. "Yeah, like you'll start anything, princess. Actually, why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart?" he mocks Sam.

This infuriates both girls. He did not just insult her like that, Selena thinks. She's about to step forward but Sam beats her to it, roughly pushing Hawk back. He makes a shocked face as he stumbles back into his friends, who catch him. "What's going on here, Miss LaRusso?" Counselor Blatt's voice suddenly interjects, making the three Miyagi-Dos spin around.  Ugh, esta vieja puta [this old bitch], Selena thinks. "You know our new guidelines against physical contact," Blatt scolds Sam.

"Did she enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent?" she asks Hawk in a gentler tone. "Yeah, she definitely triggered me in my safe space," the spiky-haired boy lies, completely switching to a timid demeanor. "What are you talking about? He started by destroying my science project!" Demetri chimes in, gesturing to the table. Counselor Blatt gives Hawk a questioning look. "That was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway," he feigns innocence. "It was not an accident, he's lying!" Selena cuts in.

"I don't want excuses. I just want you all to respect each other," Blatt utters, looking at all the teens. Selena gives her a strange look, annoyed by the woman. How is she just going to gloss over the lego incident? She doesn't truly care about resolving the actual conflict. "She's right, guys. We should stop the aggression. Micro and macro," Hawk innocently speaks up. "Oh, my God, just drop the act already!" Selena spits, beyond irritated. "Hey," Blatt sternly voices, looking at her.

"That's enough disrespect. Consider this a warning, Miss Juarez, to both of you," she states, pointing at the two girls. Selena furrows her eyebrows, wondering why she gets a warning. "And get these Legos off the ground, someone could get hurt," Blatt orders before walking off. You, hopefully, Selena thinks, rolling her eyes. Hawk glances at her before focusing on Demetri and Sam.

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