Episode 02: Miss you with Stuff Toys ✓

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    Bright just left at his own private jet, Win was still asleep when he left since it's Win's day off today. They could've went on a date together at a park or restaurant, but Bright needs to leave today so he'll make it to his concert.

    Bright's POV

   I board my private jet and let the guards carry all my luggages, there were reporters and paparazzi when we arrived. I'm just glad that we made it through without a hassle. I still feel bad for leaving so early, the media knew about my relationship with Win and he sometimes complains to me about reporters bothering him while working.

      As a celebrity and a Top Icon, the best option to protect and keep my lover away from the media is too never reveal my relationship with Win. But I don't want that. I still remember my first concert where I shouted to the whole crowd the I love Win, let's just say that we argue after that and I know that it's because of Win being all shy when my fans suddenly asked him for pictures.

    Not gonna lie, I'm glad that they accepted Win and me being in a relationship with a man. Well, it is the 21st Century. Some are disgusted at me, but I don't have time for useless people. My baby's actually pretty chill about being in an open relationship, though he would sometimes rant about how many guards are following him every single day when I'm away.

   My baby's safety and happiness are both my top priorities, that's why I cut ties and ended my contracts to those people and company endorsements when they talked bad about my baby. No one's allowed to say and do bad things to my baby, not even me.

    While on the jet, I stare at the window and watch as we pass through the sea of clouds. The sun is rising and I guess my baby's awake by now. My manager, Godj is passed asleep of the other side where she sits. It's getting a bit boring and we still have a long hour till we land.

    I opened my laptop and made sure that it's in airplane mode, I decided to watch some anime and some movies. It would be fun doing this if Win's with me, I have to remember to cancel and make a month off to work.

   Me and Win needed some time together, we really really need it. He'll be taking a month off and I'll be taking a break from music after my 1 month tour. I already have a lot of plans inside my head for me and my baby, I'm thinking of bringing him in Vietnam to get to try foods there, or maybe in India? The places there are very unique and beautiful.


     "It's an honor to meet you, Mr.Chiva-ree" the manager of the place greeted us.

   "The feeling's mutual" I replied "We will be checking the area just to make sure that everything is settled before tomorrow night's event"

   "Of course!"

    We checked the placed first and then I proceeded on doing my rehearsals. Hours of practicing my voice and choreography, we finally called it a day. I returned to my hotel and took a bath. I sat on my bed and took my laptop, my phone blinked and I took it and read the message.

  Hello!!! I just got off of work, the schedule is pretty hectic tomorrow and on Friday. Don't worry, babe, I'll watch your concert online while doing some plates *kisses* *mwuah*

  Reading his message puts a smile on my face. We always update each other when one of us is away, and even though sometimes I really just want to touch my baby and hold him tight. The path we took is clearly not on our side.

   I sat up properly and started to type my reply.

  Hey, baby. No worries, I'm glad that you made it home safe. Remember to eat your food and don't even think about skipping meal just to finish your plate.

And I'll be looking forward to you watching my concert *wink wink*  I love you❤️❤️

Bunny-baby ❤️🐇:
I love you too, and yes, I'll be watching and I promise that I will not skip my meal and will eat a lot until I'm bloated🤞🙄

I'm okay with a chubby bunny😘

Bunny-baby ❤️🐇:
Hush! I'm going to sleep now, I know that we're both early tomorrow so now...sleep!

    And with that, we both bid goodnight to each other. Small moments like this with him are the ones I cherished the most, once this concert is done, I'm planning on taking a- not just a month leave but also a year leave. It is for me and my love, sometimes we have to think what's better for us and not just always follow what others wants us to be.

    I checked a few emails and answered a few messages, mostly from my mom and other sponsors. After 2 hours of checking, I decided to call it a night. Before going to sleep, I asked Mike to check if Win's asleep. He's a good friend of mine, also a bodyguard that I set up to guard Win when I'm away.

    When he replied that Win just went to sleep after a call, I sent a "thanks" then placed my phone on the nightstand after making sure that I set the alarm right. I pulled the covers up to my shoulders and hug a bunny stuff toy that I would always being with me. Win also has one but a wolf one.


  Am I the only one who crave for more BrightWin funny moments?🙂🙂

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