Episode 01: Architect x Musician?✓

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    After a day of work, Win decided to go home and finish his work. It's been an hour since his supposed to be out time, but he decided to stay in for an hour or so just to finish his drawing of a new design for a house.

    It's been a 3 weeks since Bright went back to their house but the guy is always asleep. Win wasn't expecting anything when he returns to their house since he knows that his lover would be asleep by now. It's already 11pm, nearly midnight, if he's lucky, he would see Bright roaming around the house holding a cup noodles.

     He finally found his car at the parking lot and before he can even get inside, a hand was placed on top of his shoulder. He turned around quickly, and saw his friend, Dew.

   Win's POV

   "Hey, Dew. Is something wrong?" I asked my friend

   He shook his head as he puts his hands on his pockets "Nothing, just wanting to ask you if you would want to join us at a bar? Just a drink out"

  I sighed and answered "I'm sorry but I can't"

   His expression changed into a disappointed one. "Is it because of Bright?"

   I glared at him because I know that he's going to blame my lover "If you're going to talk bad about him again, then leave me alone"

  With that, I stepped inside my car ignoring his calls. I started my car's engine and drive off the parking. An hour drive after, I finally reached out house. This house is actually a gift from Bright's parents.

   I parked the car and head inside. I lazily took off my shoes and placed the car keys on the bowl. I walked inside the house, loosing my tie and throwing my bag on the floor. My eyes are closed as I am so tired, my arms resting on the back of the couch and my head leaning.

    After a few minutes of resting, I felt a presence near me. Then, a pair of arms was wrapped around me and I felt a sweet, loving kiss on my forehead.

   "Hey, baby" there it is. I heard my lover's sweet voice. I opened my eyes and met his

  "Hello, babe" I said with a warm smile. He moved a little and kissed my lips before looking back into my eyes

  "Are you hungry?" Bright asked


     "Okay, stay here and I'll bring you the dinner" he said and then moved back

   I looked him with a warm smile. "It's very unusual for you to be awake at this time"

   I heard him laughed and spoke "I know, I'm sorry for hibernating. I'm going to pay off all those days now"

   With a feeling of love inside my heart. I just stayed at the couch and waited for him. It's very rare to see him awake at this time or him making dinner. He just finished a month long concert in Greece, and I think he have another one in New York and he will be leaving 3 days from now.

    As much as I hate him leaving every single month then, be here just a day or a week, I can't stop him. I saw him grow and work hard just to be a famous musician, he did not asked nor used his father's power to get to what he is now, he worked hard for it. So, me asking him to just cancel one concert would be selfish. He always calls me when he's away every day, and that's enough for me.

   "How's work?" He asked

  "It's fine, a lot of new plates and designs are needed for the new subdivision" I told him while eating.

    "Why does it look like you're always the one doing the hard ones?" He asked. I looked up into his eyes and saw that he's a bit irritated.

    I sighed and placed my spoon down. "Babe, I'm the professional and the assistant, of course my work will be stock up"

  "But that is not enough excuses for them to file all their works to you! Don't you have other workers there who's professional as well?"

  I looked away and thought for a moment. "There are, but most of them are task for the design of the clubhouse, the children park, the court and the private pool of the subdivision"

   Bright looks so sad, solemn look on his face and I'm a bit sad as well. We rarely spend time with each other as soon as we graduated and found a job. Nothing special happened, mostly small dates and sometimes it gets cancelled due to work.

    I tried to brighten up the mood. I stood up and went on his side, he looked at me and moved a little bit, I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

   "We can have a date soon, after you finish your concert, maybe I can ask for a month leave" I told him

  He smiled and kissed my lips. "That would be awesome, I'll have to free my schedule next next month then"

    "You better cancel them, if not...." i trailer off looking away with a smirk "you might not get a taste of this body anymore"

   Okay, my actual plan is to actually seduce him. A moment of silence.....then I suddenly felt his lips attacking my neck, causing me to moan in surprise. I moaned loudly as his hand started to roam at my bottoms.

   "You better be ready, bunny" he said looking up at me with his lips still sucking my skin. "You started this, and don't complain about back pain tomorrow"

  I smiled and kissed his forehead "I would've never done this if I didn't want this"

    New short story, the series will be done too...

I'll Never Go|| A Short BrightWin AU✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt