Episode 03: Concert and a Shout of Love✓

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   The next day, Win woke up really early and dressed up for work. Of course, he ate his breakfast since he knew that Bright's gonna know about him not eating his breakfast, maybe because of his bodyguard/friend Mike.

Win's POV

  I went to the office to pass the design I just finished last night. I'm actually glad that I finished this project early. I promised Bright last night that I will watch his concert, I've been into one of his concert but it kind of traumatized me.

    When I went to his 2021 concert in India, where he kind of shouted or more like announced to everyone that I'm at the show and also announced that I'm his lover, it created a chaos where everyone wanted a picture with me and kept on asking weird and personal questions. After that, Bright apologized and swear to put me in the VIP area.

    But that was before. Right now I'm busy with work but wills surely spare time for my lover's concert. I looked at the clock and saw that I still have 2 hours before Bright's concert, his manager already sent me the link to his concert. He have both online and face to face concert.

     I decided to go to the grocery store to buy enough food stocks that will last for about a month. Arriving at the grocery store, a lot of people are looking at me, probably because I'm with a handsome bodyguard assigned by my boyfriend.

   "I think you should wear a mask, Apo"  I told him.

   "Nah...they all know that you're Bright's boyfriend so I think it's you who needs to wear a mask" He replied.

   I shook my head and just went inside. Apo is a good bodyguard, I guess. Though everywhere I go, it's always the both of us who'll get attention from the crowd. And if I told Bright that I think Apo is handsome, he would change my guard again and I don't want that. Apo Nattawin is a great guy.

     "Do you have your list or should we make one?" He asked taking his phone out.

   "No need, I can handle it" I told him as I get myself a push cart and started to walk along the isle of canned foods. "Did you checked Bright's schedule?"

  "Hm, his show will start in an hour and 38 minutes. We still need to fill your fridge up again"

   "Just set an alarm for us to not forget about it"

   Apo nodded. We roamed around the store to pick some food and some ingredients for the dishes that I'm planning to make. We paid for our groceries at the cashier then head straight to the car on our way home.

   When Apo and the other guards were bringing the groceries inside, I didn't notice that I bought way too much. They are not just bringing up grocery bags but also boxes, maybe because sometimes I forget to count my money and always ended up spending more than I supposed to.

     "These are a lot, I didn't even notice" I said while looking at the boxes and grocery bags.

   Apo laughed softly with his hands on his hips. "Well, you are rich, so it's no surprise if you didn't know that you're spending too much" he stated

   I sighed and reminded myself to keep track on how much I spend money, I don't want Bright's bank account to suddenly go to zero percent because of my shopping spree.

    Me and Apo placed the groceries on the shelves and fridges, yes, fridges, we have two two doors fridges. I'm not the one who bought them, it was a gift from my parents.

    After doing that, we decided to watch a movie while waiting for Bright's concert to start.


I'll Never Go|| A Short BrightWin AU✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt