Prologue: Our Story✓

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Win's POV

   It's finally graduation day. Me and Bright made it, 5 years of being together. There are fights and quarrels but, we never stayed silent nor ignore each other. We would always find ways to get back together, because being separated is far from our bucket list. I am an intern as an architect and Bright pursued his dream as a musician, his dad already have a music company in which he will be inheriting once his father stepped out of the business world.

     I remember back then when I would always disturb him wherever he go since I really wanted him to help me get to be with his sister but, I obviously ended up falling for him...harder.

    Being a nuisance isn't bad after all, I made him mine and he made me his. We're so happy right now, and we will never change that.

    After the picture taking, my family and Bright's family decided to go my family's restaurant to celebrate. Bright's sister already have a boyfriend but, Bright would still glare at me whenever me and Film(Bright's sister) would talk alone. I swear, I will never get tired of teasing him and seeing his jealous face.

    We arrived at the restaurant and went to a private room. Our families are now close since the start of our relationship, from being knuckle heads to lovers real quick. I guess, the more you hate, the more you love? But, not everything.

   "So, Win" Bright's dad called getting my attention "Where are you planning to stay now? I have a condominium ready for you and Bright to stay at while you both busy yourself with school life."

    I blushed and looked at Bright, who's busy stuffing his face with the smoked chicken. "Umm...Thank you, Dad, really. But, I think me and Bright should talk about it first before settling in"

   "I don't mind" Bright spoke, drinking his water and placing it back down on the table. "As long as you agree"

   "W-well...I-I agree, yes, but-"

  "Then it's settled" He didn't let me finish my sentence and I looked at him with annoyance. "We'll take the condominium and move out the day after tomorrow"

   I was shock and hit his arm causing for him to hiss in pain. "That fast?! Are you really that eager to settle?"

   Bright looked at me as if I was sating insane words. "Yes! Win, I love you and I will admit that I was the one who always scared the sh*t out of those men and girls who flirts with you"

  "You were the one?!!" I shouted, not minding our parents just practically watching us argue. "So that's why one of my members in thesis Defense drop out of our group"

   Bright looked away and guilty expression on his face. "I-...I only told the guy that..I...Uhhh...That I will tell everyone his secret if he ever try to flirt with you and touch you"

  "In short, you blackmailed him?" I asked but making sure that he gets it that I am deeply mad at him.




    There was silence, both our parents and siblings ate in silence while I was busy thinking of ways on how to f*cking punish this man who is the love of my life.

  "We're going to talk about this when we get back" I told him. He was about to speak and I gave him a stern looked and he immediately shut his mouth. "Dad, I'll be taking your son with me. Don't worry, I'm not going to kill, just going to lecture him"

   His Dad had this sly smirk as he raise his glass of wine high and gave me a nod. "You can do whatever you want with him, son. Right, Metakorn?"

   Papa raised his glass as well as the two gentlemen laughed. Bright just stayed silent and pouting like a little child, I smiled lovingly at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. My love smiled widely and sat up properly. We ate as my left hand is holding Bright's right hand.

  (2 years ago)

   "Didn't I say to stay away from that guy? Why wouldn't you listen to me, Win?!" Bright shouted. I flinched since I hate people shouting.

   "I told you! He was the one who kept going after me! You're the one who's not listening-"

  "ENOUGH!" He flipped out table. The of the crashing table didn't made me feel any better. It's becoming harder to breathe, I fell on my knees and Bright was quick to catch me and held my in his arms.

   "I'm sorry. Shhhhh..... I'm sorry, My baby" He caressed the back of my head and and comfort me. "Breathe, okay? Follow my breathing...1...2...3...breathe slowly, my baby"

    After minutes, I finally calmed down. This always happens, whenever he's jealous or in his possessive mode, he would forget that I'm very sensitive to shouting or loud noises. He would immediately realize it and would always help me get better. Just like before, I know that he'll feel bad and will probably try to avoiding touching me.


Yep, I am right. He's avoiding me. We're watching movies, but he's sitting really far from me. Just like earlier, we ate breakfast and lunch but he sat on the other side of the table instead of sitting beside me.

   "Bright, do you want to make dinner together?" I asked him, trying to make a good conversation.

   "Y-you can do it, I'll be in our room" He said before standing up and going inside out room, we're using dorms you see, but we choose to make the other bedroom to an office for me and the other one, we share with.

   I sighed and grabbed the remote then turning the TV off. I hate seeing him like this, even though I know that sometimes his reasoning for getting jealous is really out of place. But, he's the only one who made me feel love. His mother actually explained to me that it is their nature to be possessive over someone they love, it actually happened to her and she almost broke up with Bright's dad but he practiced controlling his anger and jealousy. They actually made it work and are now in a happy relationship.

    How I wish our relationship will go, but Bright still has a long way to go since he is practically a child when moping. I got up from the sofa and went towards our door. I didn't bother to knock since I know he wouldn't answer it anyway, that is why I have all the spare keys of every door in the room.

   I slowly opened the door and saw him sitting on our bed with his elbows resting on his knees and head resting on his hands. Slowly approaching him even though I know that he already noticed my presence.

   I placed the tray down on our nightstand table before climbing up the bed and hugging him from behind. I kissed his neck and snuggle onto him.

   "Hey, let's eat" I said with a sweet and calm tone.

   "You can eat, I'll eat after you" he said with a solemn tone.

    "I'm not going to eat if you refuse to eat with me" I said with a pouty face.

   He finally looks at me with a half smile and kissed my nose.

   "I'm sorry for what I did"

   I rolled my eyes and said "I already told you it's fine, I can handle your possessiveness but please try to listen to my explanation first before jumping into conclusion"

   He smiled widely and nodded "Yes, baby. Please, don't ever leave me"

  I looked at him as if he was saying such crazy thing "Babe, who said that I will leave you? Tell me and I'll punch their face"

    He Chuckled, he suddenly turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist causing for the two of us to fall down the bed. We both laughed. This moments are the ones that I treasure the most, we're both happy, contented and free.

   Looking forward to your comments on every chapter!❤️

Date started:
28th of December 2022

I'll Never Go|| A Short BrightWin AU✓Where stories live. Discover now