Forget About It (Cody Carson)

Start from the beginning

He let out a quick breath and stomped out of the room. You were obviously terrified he was going to tell the Queen about what you had done, but if it was something you were going to be fired for, you were glad to be going out knowing you were simply being honest.

About 10 minutes had passed and you were still scrubbing away at the floor. You were always amazed at how dirty this tile managed to get every week as you were usually the only one in the laundry room. You were leaning against the wall, taking a small break when you heard heavy footsteps coming back down the stairs.

"Oh, so now you're not even going to do your job?" Cody huffed.

You remained silent, rolling your eyes as you shuffled back over to your bucket of soapy water. Cody's heartbeat quickened as he noticed you were taking in slow, deep breaths and he just knew you were overworking yourself.

He walked over to you and bent down, carefully taking the brush out of your hand and putting it back in the bucket. You furrowed your eyebrows at him as he took your hand and brought you back over to the place you were just resting.

"Your clothes are going to get dirty, Your Highness," you said quietly as he sat beside you.

"It's fine, Y/N," he said, making your heart race, "Are you always having to catch your breath like that?"

"Kind of," you replied shyly, "If I get my chores done before noon, the Queen lets me go out and help take care of the horses."

"You like going out there?" he asked, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

You giggled quietly, "Some of us actually do more than just ride the horses into town and back every once in a while."

"So what do you do with them?"

"Well, I do clean their stalls almost every day, but since Mr. Harris is getting older, he lets me walk them around the fields."

"Theoretically then," he said, getting up, "If we get the rest of this work done together, it will go faster and we can get to the stables, right?" He was holding his hands down to you, but you were just staring at him.

"We?" your voice came out as a whisper.

"Yes, we," he nodded, leaning down and taking your hands himself, pulling you to your feet, "I want to know what it is I would have to do if we didn't have servants around." He took you to the basin and had you sit down. "You wash the rest of these and I'll finish up the floor."

"But your clothes," you said quietly.

"My clothes will be fine," he smiled, "Now stop arguing if you want to get done before noon." You watched him walk over to the bucket and sit on the floor, beginning to scrub the tiles. Without looking up at you, he said, "Y/N, the longer you stare at me, the less time you have to get those clothes done." You blushed lightly, quickly getting to work.


"Stop!" you laughed loudly, grabbing Cody's arm for the third time, "I will tell you when we have to turn!"

"Oh, so what you're saying is it's not on this road right here?" he asked with a sly smile, starting to walk toward the road. You giggled as you reached for his arm again, pulling him back to you.

"Okay, I'm just gonna hold onto you until we get there because you clearly don't trust me," you teased.

"How can I possibly trust you?" he nudged you lightly, "I barely know you."

"Well, I did keep you from burning your hand off earlier."

"It would not have burnt off!"

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