Chapter 36: Running Away

Start from the beginning

"We got her." Mason smirked and they parked. The policemen got out and started chasing her. Pamela noticed them and started running away.

They watched as they chased her and swerved through the people and poles like an obstacle course. The wind blew violently against their faces as she turned a corner, but that was a big mistake. The police managed to catch her and brought her back to the car.

"Please, you don't understand, I—"

"Why didn't you come to the station with what you found like we asked?" The officer demanded.

"I had to see if my family was okay. I was planning to come this morning but then I received this note." Pamela sniffed with a hint of a sob and brought a note out. She gave it to them, and it read:

Now I'll show you what happens when you choose not to listen.

"I got worried so I rushed here first."

"But we said we would send someone to watch over your house so what's the problem?"

"Because I need to see it for myself!" Pamela shouted from frustration, "I can't keep gambling on their safety like this, I need to know if they're okay."

"Alright look, I'll phone the men that we sent there to see if anything has happened."

Pamela looked a bit sceptical but just nodded along. The officer then dialed a number and as it begun ringing, Pamela stared anxiously above it.

A few seconds went by and no answer.

"Hmm," the officer mumbled and scratched his chin in confusion.

"Well?" Pamela demanded an answer.

"Let's try again." A second time he pressed onto the phone.

No answer.

Pamela became unsteady on her feet. She bit the bottom part of her lip as she watched for a third the numbers being pressed onto the screen.

Even though third time was supposed to be the charm, it wasn't a charm for her as the line went flat yet again.

"Something has happened!" Pamela exclaimed and flapped her hands in panic.

"Alright, we'll go over there and check to see if everything is alright.," the officer said and put his phone back.

"Well let's go!" Pamela said and started speed walking back. Mariana and Micah followed her back as a dark feeling loomed over them because of the lack of answers.

They drove to Pamela's place which was a small and humble house. Yellow paint surrounded the walls, plain lawn at the front which would've been spotless, but that wasn't the case as the fallen soldiers laid across the grass.

"Oh no!" Pamela said as she rushed out of the car. The others followed, and Mariana stared at the scene like she couldn't believe it. The officers didn't appear to be harmed and there were little canisters spread about.

The police officers went and checked their colleagues while the others stood shocked at the scene.

"There are no injuries, so they seemed to have been knocked out unconscious by whatever was in this," one officer picked up a canister and inspected it.

"So where's my family?" Pamela questioned.

"Hopefully still inside unharmed." The officer looked towards the front door. "Let's see if we can find them."

They all followed as Pamela unlocked the front door. It slowly creaked open to reveal a dimly lit hallway. Only a gleam of blue soared through the middle. They walked, and the only sounds echoing were their heavy footsteps amidst the eerie silence. The TV in the living room was off, no bickering was heard, no playing heard from children. Even though Pamela had a family, this did not feel like a family home.

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