Chapter 41: An Honest Conversation

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Micah was sat with Aidan as he was providing him some updates on the person who was in Pamela's house. They wanted to see if they had any insight on where Mona was.

"So, here's what the police found," Aidan said and shuffled through a series of printed documents. Micah saw a picture of the killer, and it was a huge, muscular man who had tattoos of snakes that coiled around his arm. He possessed a glossy, massive bald head and a bushy mustache stuck above his lips like a thick polluted river.

"He refused to say anything at first, but confessed that Mona came to him a few months ago, asking for a favor. He only agreed in exchange for a ton of money and sexual pleasures since he met her when she used to be a prostitute."

"She kind of reminds me of Electra," Micah muttered with a scowl, "no wonder they are working together."

Aidan frowned and was about to say something but changed his mind. He shook his head continued, "He also said that after Mona met with Pamela the first time, he followed her to her home in case she thought of revealing anything, so he'll be prepared to keep his promise to Mona."

"Why would someone do all that for someone they barely know..." Micah muttered with disgust leaking out and a face full of disbelief.

"I know. It's bizarre. He mentioned he had been keeping an eye on Pamela since then, and saw she had been taken into police custody. So I guess he figured out that Pamela was going to tell them. Which he later confirmed as he discovered Mona's documents gone from her storage. So Mona told him what to do next."

"What's worse he also said that he would do it again because Mona made it worth his time."

"There's nothing even special about her," Micah said, "all she does is betray, lie and steals people's kids."

"I know, it's really bad. But the good news is he is in jail now." Aidan smiled but it soon fell. "Too bad it won't bring her family back."

"At least an animal like him is where he belongs," Micah mumbled and then turned his body to face the front. With this update, Mariana could let Pamela know they found the person who killed her family, so it offers some type of closure.

"Anyway..." Micah's lips started shook from hesitation. He wanted to say something but contemplated whether Aidan deserved to hear it or not. He gave him a few side glances, but he knew it was the right thing to do.

"Thanks...." he started off slowly. This made Aidan turn to look at him with surprise. Micah shifted uncomfortably in his seat and moved away. "For the help with this investigation, because now Mariana and I can get our kids back soon."

He was glad all these uncomfortable and frustrating discussions paid off. He thought it would never end. Meanwhile, Aidan grinned from ear to ear but Micah narrowed his eyes, hinting he was not in the clear just yet.

"I'm happy I could help in this situation." He grinned and pat his son on the back. "It's also helped me spend more time with you."

"Yeah," Micah mumbled with lesser enthusiasm and nudged his arm off.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again," Aidan confessed with his eyes toward the ground. "I tried getting into contact, but always end up at a dead end. And your mother wasn't giving me your address so I figured you wanted to be left alone, although I never understood why." He looked at Micah, who seemed to be in his own world, staring into the air, thinking deeply at everything he said.

"I always hoped I could see you one day, and now that day has come." Aidan elevated his head and beamed like a jolly, fat guy but Micah remained still as he got an arm slung around his shoulder.

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