58 ~ Atlas's POV

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When I woke up, my head was pounding and I felt dizzy. I rubbed my face and whined, "Babe?!"

I didn't get a response so I groaned and rolled over onto my side.i figured Antonio wasn't anywhere nearby but I needed to get his attention. I realized I needed ot callout for Dolores.

"Dolores! Please go find Antonio!"

A few moment passed and Anotnio came into th3 rom with some ibuprofen, a couple churros,cand a glass of water.

I took the ibuprofen and ate the churros before saying, "thank you babe..."

He nods and kisses my forehead before sitting next to me. He jsut watched me and I say, "This is weird..."

"What? Me staring at you... I figured you would've been used ot it by now..." he teases

I blushed before nodding and he puts his hand on my forehead, feeling my head before he says, "you a little warm, What can I do?"

"Give me another churro..." I reply opening my mouth he laughs and breaks off a piece of one of the churros setting ti in my mouth. I smiled and ate it befeor shaingk "Thank you babe..."

He nods before saying, "Eliana is grounded for about roughly another twenty minutes... I'm making her come down here and apologiz ego you when she gets out of her grounding..."

I blushed and nodded befoer he helps me sit up. I still made him feed me churros though. Once I was out of churros I whined and said, "I'm still hungry..."

He laughs and syas, "feeling better?"

I nodded and he says, "Stay here and I'll go get you a few more churros... but eventually you do need to eat real food Atlas,"

I smiled and he nods walking away. Once he was gone I stood and stretched. I drank a little more water before walking over to the bathroom. I looked quite rough. My eyes were sunk in and my skin was particularly pale. I shook. My scrubbed my face before applying a little makeup ot hide the dark circles. Antonio came back a little after that. He found me and leans on the bathroom doorway asking, "what ar eyou doing?"

I looked and said, "Turing to hide how dark my eyes are..."

Anotnio shakes his head and walks over hugging my waist and kissing my neck as he says ,"Everyone's exhausted Atlas... don't worry about it..."

I leaned into him before rhe ask the dreaded question, "have you taken a pregnancy test?"

I shook my head and says, "Antonio... we literally slept together one night ago... if I am pregnant, the test it's not going to catch it this early..."

He gave me a sort of stern look mixed with puppy dg]oh eyes so I sighed and snapped, "It might..." i says , indignant about this.

I shake my head adn turn him around, shoving him out of my bathroom. I finished my make up before following him. He was sitting on my bed glancing at my churros longingly. I felt the need ot tease him so I say, "if you want to marry those churros, I can give you the ring back..."

He shook his head and looked at me. Then he says, "Never,"

I walked over and sat next to him. I ran my hand along his jaw before saying. 'You need to shave..."

He smiles and says, "what? You don't like the stubble?"

I smiled and said, "your face, your choice, but I know it makes your face itch... I remember you complaining about it to Camilo when he made you think growing a beard would make you a man..."

Antonio smiled and shook his head before he says, "technically Camilo told me growing a beard would make women like me more... but I told you the lie that he said it would make me a man... because who's going to admit they listened to their prankster big brother's advice?"

I laughed and kissed him before saying, "I do think you look better clean shaven... but a beard could grow on me..."

He smiles and says, "I'll shave..."

I smiled before he feels my head and says, "it seems Julieta's churros l worked..."

I nodded and he says, "Why are so hell bent on being married in the same place as my parents?"

I blushed and say, "becuase deep down I am still the girl who was raised by Bruno. So I thought it would be comical if You adn I got married there since in Pepa said Bruno ruined her wedding day..."

Antonio rolled his eyes befoer I ask, "why do you wan tot get married by the river?"

He pulls me onto his lap as he says, "I speak to animals as my Gift, mi amor. So I would like some animals to be there... plus I think the scenery is prettier down by the river..."

I nodded and said, "this isn't very comfortable while wearing a dress..."

He nodded and I slipped off of his lap and brushed off my skirt before we heard the door open and Eliana poked her head in. Antonio looks at her and nods. She walks over and he picks her up, setting her on his knee.

She looked at me before saying softly, "I'm sorry I used my gift on you Mama... and I'm sorry I yelled..."

I nod and kiss her forehead before she asks, "will I be flower girl at your wedding?"

Antonio looks at her and nods, "Sí, Mí vida."

She smiles before asking, "what color will my dress be?"

"We haven't decided on a color scheme yet..."I reply, sitting next to Antonio

She nodded before asking, "will Lia get to come to the wedding?"

Antonio shifted uncomfortably and says, "Most likely not Eliana."

She nodded sadly before she looks at me and asks, "will Mirabel make your dress mama?"

I blushed and nodded, "most likely."

She smiles before she crawled out of his lap and before saying softly, "How will I learn to control my gift? If no one knows how to teach me?"

We blushed and she says, "I can hear everyone and yet no one knows what to do with me... I don't want to be scary."

I put my hand on the side my her face before saying, "we may not know now but we will know eventually... I promise..."

She nodded before taking my hand and says, "mama I want to show you something!"

I nodded and let her lead me upstairs.

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