Titans return to paradise

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You'd been travelling to shiganshina for about a day or more now, you decided to avoid any sort of public transportation in case of who ever this saviour of paradise was had some way of watching you

You were using your power over pain to it's limit forging forward knowing doing this might cause a injury that might never heal

(Y/n): I need to find them

Right now you were stumbling through the mountains near shiganshina

(Y/n): I'm so close

Gritting your teeth you increased the speed of your steps

(Y/n): my life is worthless without them

Making it to the edge of the forest you stare at shiganshina your eyes going wide at the sight infront of you

Marley airships were flying above shooting down into the city

And even from here you could hear the yells of titans fighting

(Y/n): that's it fuck everyone screw paradise screw Marley I'm done with all this Bullshit, time to get Annie and Elaine back

Suppressing your emotions till you were a lifeless fighter with one goal

You charged forward running at a speed that would have made Shadis cry back in cadets

Reaching the houses outside the gate you activate your ODM gear and hook into your old house using it to fly upwards into Hell

Yells came from above as you sped up the wall you noticed Marleyan soldiers running towards the edge to the wall and point their guns at you

(Y/n) thoughts: marleyan guns can shoot ten rounds before reloading there are 5 of them 50 bullets in total calculations complete

Drawing your blades out you continue your ascend as bullets fly down towards you

(Y/n) thoughts: the bullets are around the size of a small spoon meaning

Swapping the way you hold your swords you begin spinning with your swords above your head

Bullets flew into you and bounced away as your swords sliced them out the sky

(Y/n) thoughts: 48 49 50 now

Increasing your gas output you stop spinning and reach the top of the wall your momentum taking you above the soldiers

(Y/n): die for me

Shooting a hook down into the throat of one soldier you use him to end your momentum and land on the wall

Slicing the closes soldiers gun in half You kick them off the wall and down where you just came from

(Y/n): two down three left they should be able to reload right about now

Using your hook still in the one soldiers throat you pull the corpse up and use it as shield as you run at the firing soldiers

Plunging your blade into the middle soldier you unhook it from the handle and ram into the one on the left while throwing the corpse into the one on the right

The two soldiers fall to the floor from getting hit while the middle slowly crumples down dead

Stabbing the one you knocked over with your other blade you turn to the last soldier who's trying to get out from under his allies corpse

Grabbing one of the dropped guns you place it against his forehead

(Y/n): good soldier

His head explodes as you pull the trigger letting the bullets fly into and out of his skull

Love among hate (Attack on Titan Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now