let it be

730 27 2

For hours you were left sitting on the wall alone

You had no idea where anyone was after leaving you Annie had just vanished zeke and pieck as well

(Y/n) thoughts: I'm so bored the sun set so long ago, where are they

Going from the sitting position you'd been in for so long You lay on your back staring at the stars

This was a mistake the chains dug into your body it was uncomfortable as hell, except without your arms you couldn't push yourself back up

(Y/n) thoughts: dammit this reminds me back when Eren would fail balancing but this time I'm the one acting like a angry fish

With your mouth still gagged you couldn't even call for help, not like anyone but Annie would help

Your mind focused back on earlier how Annie had told you the walls were secretly a prison set up by the King and obviously his ancestors

You wished she had been lying cause what had your friends died for they would never known the truth they died believing a lie, this fact didn't sit well in your stomach

(Y/n) thoughts: I wish things could go back to how they used to be just everyone in cadets joking caring about eachother

You knew that wasn't the truth of how it used to be back then Reiner and Bertholdt had been planning how to kill everyone for that damm mission

Closing your eyes so that the tears wouldn't fall something caught your attention

Footsteps human Footsteps

             (3rd person pov)

The warriors walked towards the camp along the wall bringing the others they found

And someone else

Zeke: your lucky we found you on our patrol

Reiner: its good seeing you after so long

Bertholdt: we heard you'd been captured

Annie: where did you hear that

Reiner: Armin, though I guess it was a trick that Bertholdt fell for

Bertholdt: I'm sorry

??: got to admit he got you good knew right where to stab

Reiner: I'd never have expected it from Armin I myself believed him so don't feel to bad

Annie: you still lost Eren, guess my promise will have to wait

Reiner: promise what are you talking about..

The group stopped right outside the camp staring at Annie but this was short lived as a weird cracking noise screeched out

Turning towards the noise the newcomers froze as they stared at a blood covered (y/n) laying on his back

Staring at Reiner his mouth showing to many teeth as he bit down on his steel gag causing cracks to spread over it

Reiner: what is he doing here!

Zeke: Annie brought him don't worry he's completely restrained

Reiner: why would you bring him here!

Everyone focused back on Annie completely ignoring (y/n) as his anger grew

This was poor judgment as none of them noticed him forcing his broken legs under him to stand the chains straining against him as he began trying move forward

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