deals with the ape

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                     (Annie pov)

Waking to the first signs of sunlight coming through the tent, you find yourself trapped as something big held you

Annie thoughts: what's going on I'm so tired when did I fall asleep

Opening your eyes you find your view completely blocked by something pressed into your face

Getting kind of annoyed not knowing what was happening you begin pushing against whatever was wrapped around you

??: ow Annie what are you doing

Annie: (y/n)?

(Y/n): yeah who else would it be Bertholdt

Annie: no sorry can you please let me go

(Y/n): sure once you let me go

Confused by what he meant you begin focusing on your arms being so tired made you not notice you had basically wrapped yourself round (y/n) like a snake

Annie: how did this happen?

(Y/n): you fell asleep and basically anytime I moved you would tighten your grip and pull either me closer or yourself closer

Annie: I did?

Finally the two of you wiggled out of eachother's grips

(Y/n): yeah

Sitting up you stare at (y/n) and guilt and worry hit

Guilt because he was covered in dried blood and bruises

Worry cause he'd gone unnaturally pale and his body shook as he moved

Ever since you'd kidnapped (y/n) he'd gotten no medical treatment or food and water the blood loss must be really bad, not only that his wounds haven't been cleaned at all with him crawling round in the dirt who knows what's gotten into them

Annie: you stay here I'm gonna go check to see if anyone is awake

(Y/n): sure I'll just sit not like I can go anywhere

He pointed at his legs

You turned away from him guilt hitting you again

Unzipping the tent you climb out leaving (y/n) alone

Making your way to the rest of camp the smell of food hit you, Slowing your walk you find Zeke Reiner and Bertholdt sitting round a pot of cooking stew

Reiner: I almost forgot that good food exists

Zeke: really why?

Reiner: the food we had here is barely  editable but (y/n) would force me to eat it

Zeke: this (y/n) boy seems important to all of you, all three of you have now mentioned him as a example for something without even realising

Reiner: he's just a island devil

zeke: Not with the way you speak about him

Bertholdt: he's been with us for five years I guess after that long of pretending it becomes a habit

Zeke: maybe what do you think Annie?

Zeke looked up from the pot he was stirring to look at you

Annie: I think (y/n) has been the reason we lasted so long here

Zeke: really now that's interesting

Reiner: Annie what are you talking about he's just a devil

Annie: you might not agree but it's true

Love among hate (Attack on Titan Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن