humanity rises again

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                        (Y/n pov)

Your gas had run out and you were falling backwards away from the window


mustering what little strength you could you hurled the unconscious girl out of your arms and towards the window

(Y/n) thoughts: make it don't fall with me

The girl flew through the window going out of sight

(Y/n) thoughts: good at least I didn't waist my time

Your back hit something hard and warm and before you could look around giant fingers wrapped round your body only leaving your right arm free

Anger filled you how dare this beast touch you it didn't deserve to live

Another yell of anger began to leave your lips but stopped as in the corner of your eye you saw something that made your heart stop

Annie had turned around and was watching you

Knowing her she would charge in to kill the titan you couldn't let that happen she had little gas like everyone else if she tried to save you there's no way she could get you both back up

(Y/n) thoughts: I have to tell her to leave me

Your mouth opened to yell at Annie to leave you but before anything left your mouth reiner turned mid air and slammed into Annie forcing her into HQ

(Y/n) thoughts: thank you Reiner

A smile grew on your face as you watched Reiner get Annie to safety

Turning to the titan still smilling you began yelling at it slamming your fist into the side of its hand

(Y/n): you bastard I hope you choke on me you ugly fuck go die in a ditch somewhere I bet whatever made you cries at night regretting your existence!

Your hand began to bleed as you continued hitting the titan as it slowly opened its mouth and moved you closer and closer to eat you whole

(Y/n): hurry it up I don't have all day if your gonna eat me actually eat like you know what your doing what am I your first are you a giant virgin titan you are the most pathetic titan I've ever met!

As you continued insulting the titan you noticed something weird another titan was running at you

it jumped and punched the titan holding you in the face

(Y/n): what the hell!

As the new titan punches your titan you get let go of and thrown into the air towards the windows

(Y/n) thoughts: this can't be real am I gonna make it

You soar towards the window but you had been thrown to high slamming into the wall above the window falling unconscious

                  (3rd person pov)

(Y/n) hit the wall and fell down unconscious has his leg was about to pass the window someone grabbed his ankle making him hang upside down outside HQ

Reiner grunted as held onto (y/n)

Reiner thoughts: I could drop him right now and end any trouble he might bring in the future so why did I grab him instead of let him fall

??: reiner what are you doing pull him in

Reiner thoughts: why did I grab him why why I'm the one who ordered Annie and bertholdt to have him killed

??: reiner sasha's right pull him in

Conny and Sasha rushed Reiner grabbing onto (y/n) leg pulling him inside and pushing Reiner onto his butt

Love among hate (Attack on Titan Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora